daylight: fourteen

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hyejin busily scans on her book, stressfully trying to memorize everything for the last minute before exam. yongsun scratched her head, already frowning due to the number of readings.

"byul-ah, can you-" she looks at byulyi, about to ask for her copy until she caught her sleeping on her desk.

her eyes went wide, slamming her hand to byulyi's desk. "yah!"

"'yah!" byulyi yelled back, lifting her head, alarmed at yongsun's scream. "what are you doing!?" yongsun yelled, watching byulyi checking herself if she had some spit drooling on her lips, completely lost. "what are you doing?" yongsun asks her, as byulyi mumbled. "i was studying!"

"studying my ass, haven't you slept well last night?" yongsun asks her.

byulyi never replied.

yongsun was baffled at how dreamy byulyi looks, resting her cheek on her palm, closing her eyes slowly before chuckling to herself.

"yah!" yongsun yelled, now getting her attention. byulyi pauses from her sleepy smile, glaring at yongsun. "what?"

"unnie seems to be out of her mind as soon as she started this day." wheein commented, flipping on the pages of her book with a sarcastic expression, before looking at her direction.

"i do?" byulyi asks them, pointing at herself, simultaneously receiving a stare from the three. hyejin then started talking. "must've been another night talking to your new prey."

"new prey!?" byulyi threw her ballpen at hyejin's direction, hearing her snort. "i'm busy studying for my future, please spare me some time to talk about my life." byulyi sarcastically replied, earning a disgusted stare from yongsun and hyejin, with wheein nonchalantly staring back at her.

pursing her lips, byulyi ignored the three. "it's not my fault that you are feasting on my love life since you three have none."


"ah before i forget," byulyi speaks, looking back at them. "the guys are inviting-" before she could even finish, wheein already started. "they are inviting us on hoseok's birthday?" she asks, raising her brow. "how did you know?" byulyi curiously bids.

"really?" hyejin speaks, tying her hair into a ponytail, dragging her chair closer to wheein. "tell me more."

"taehyung left a message last night, he's asking me if we could meet again." wheein explained, clicking her tongue. "i should've never looked in his eyes in the first night at the bar." she exasperatedly sighs, only to glare at byulyi who was crossing her arms with a smug smirk.

"you'll eventually like him, judging by the way you act." byulyi commented, motioning hyejin to join her ride. with a chuckle, hyejin nodded. "i somehow think so, this is what she always says before eventually dating them."

"funny enough, i might date him and just hit my head on the wall alone." wheein rolls her eyes, as yongsun mockingly asks. "is the baby mad?"

"don't tease me, i'm not a kid!"

"wheeinie is upset!" hyejin playfully joined.

"ugh, this is disgusting." wheein slaps her forehead, whispering. "i haven't agreed to go yet, i'm gonna see if i need a drink or two after this week."

byulyi stares at her with dead eyes, as wheein frowns. "why?"

"if there's anyone who's going to need a drink here, it's obviously me." byulyi points to herself, with a serious expression.

just by that, the three laughs out loud, clapping.

"ah by the way, have you already signed up in the writing club, hyejin-ah?" byulyi recalls, expecting an answer from their youngest friend.

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