daylight; one

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"last day, last day, last day!"

a silver-haired woman yelled while going through her papers, not minding the noise she was making after scribbling on the last item on her exam.

"miss moon byulyi!" their proctor called her out, as the woman lifts her head up, grinning softly as she mouthed. "i'm sorry." she immediately wrote her name on the paper, rushing towards the table before bowing down. "thank you for your hard work, miss lee!" she ran out with her bag, not even looking back.

"she never really looses energy..." one of her friends whispers, still stuck in the third to the last number of their exam, as byulyi motioned them that she'll wait downstairs. 

"how many of you will bet that she'll get the lowest score in us four?" the shortest one in their group whispers, hearing the two giggle.

"miss jung wheein."

wheein purses her lips, whispering. "sorry..." she grins softly, heading back to her exam.

four of these women were living peacefully in their university, enjoying their last year before graduating upon the degree. just a little more push, and they're already free to venture out.

after the remaining friends of byulyi finished their exams, they've already followed her down the ground floor. "so, how's the exam?" byulyi smirks, tucking back her phone in her pants' pocket as wheein mutter. "you did not review for it, did you?"

byulyi stuck her tongue out, chuckling. "i did study!"

"for five minutes before it started?" the raspy-voiced woman concluded, as byulyi pretentiously cried. "ahn hyejin!" 

while the three were noisily enjoying their walk through the gate, one of their friend was busy scrolling. "hey, you sure we're going to gangnam today?" the one of them asks. "yong-unnie, are you getting scaredy-cat, again?" byulyi asks yongsun, earning a glare.

"i'm just asking, i'm just asking!" yongsun argued back, hearing byulyi chuckled.

"anyway, we'll still try that bar in gangnam." byulyi mumbles, about to book for a cab until wheein muttered. "i've heard a lot of stories there."

"stories, like what?" hyejin asks her, as they stood on the side walk for a moment.

"stories that rich students always goes there, drugs and shits." wheein gestured, before byulyi puffs her cheek. "that's the stereotype of bars, wheein. we're still fine today." she added.

"right... if there's trouble, we'll scramble off, right?" hyejin playfully asks, as they all laughed.

"that's the pact, okay?" they chuckled, as byulyi mumbled. "oh, here it goes. let's head off!" she points her lips into the cab, tying her long silver hair in a ponytail. 

while the seoul university students we're enjoying, some were not in another advanced college university.


one young man tilts his head, speaking lowly on the phone. somehow, some of his block mates took a look at him, somehow sensing that he's in a bad day.

"tell him to stop whining about it, and just get over it." he cursed under his breath, "he always brings trouble." he muttered, fixing his glasses before adding. "i'm not heading home early, i have a session." he quickly turns the call down, sighing heavily before slamming his phone down his table.

realizing that his friends were looking, he muttered. "what is it?"

shaking his head, one of his friends mutter. "what is it again?"

DAYLIGHT [ jinbyul ]Where stories live. Discover now