The Fight Starts Now

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   Down below the heroes heard the explosion from up top. Midoriya whipped his head around seeing that Tsuyu and Jirou had thankfully found their items. The raven haired woman immediately used her radio trying to contact Kaminari.

"Kaminari, Captain?" She spoke into the headset but being underground the signal was too weak. "I cant get to them." She fretted.

"We should go help the others then." Tsuyu nodded. "Midoriya?"

"Yeah, you're right." He agreed looking away from the sword.

   Suddenly there was a bang at the door as someone tried to enter the locked room. The girls moved towards Midoriya getting ready to defend themselves.

"Hey." A voice called from the other side. "Let me in!"

"Kaminari?" Jirou raised a brow lowering her gaurd.

"Let me in." The voice came again.

   Jirou sighed in relief moving towards the door Tsuyu stayed with Midoriya feeling something wasn't quite right.

"Jirou wait!" She called out.


   The door flew open forcing the woman to jump back. A massive black creature stood at the door with a blank permanent grin.

"Let me in." Kaminari's voice echoed from the beast.

   Jirou did not hesitate, she plugged her tech into a large gun like object she had found while searching for their gear.

"I hope this works." She said before turning the knob.

   Heavy sound waves that vibrated the room pulsed from the item. The vibrations slightly pushed the monster back but it was able to withstand the force. Before Midoriya or Tsuyu could do anything about it the massive beast lunged swinging a slowed arm at the weapon. It was quickly tossed aside smashing against the dirt floor. It went to swing again but luckily her companion was quickly yanking her away with a flexible rope. It began to move closer cornering them in the small room.

"We need help." Jirou called out but there was no one to follow.

   Midoriya's heart began to race, he wanted desperately to stop the creature before them but without the power of Almights sword he was just a weak farm boy. The creature neared and the two women stood in front of Midoriya to protect him. He stared at them wide eyed, although they too didn't have the ability to fight such a creature they didn't hesitate to protect those around them. Which quickly reminded him of what Allmight had taught him. That some people felt an urge while faced with great danger, their legs would move on their own to save people. That was the building blocks for the makings of a true hero.

   The creature held out an arm and without thinking Midoriya lunged at the beast to push it back. He closed his eyes as well as the girls when they heard the clash of glass breaking. However when Midoriya opened his eyes once more he felt no pain. But a heavy weight on his arms. He moved his gaze to his hands to see Allmight's sword holding the black monsters hands back. He let out a small gasp then used the strength the sword surged through his body to toss the monster down to the floor.

"Get out of here!" He yelled to the two women. "Go find the others!"

   The two didn't hesitate as they ran around the floored monstrosity. It tried to reach out for the girls but Deku quickly swiped the sword onto the ground slicing off its hand. It called out a horrifying roar, its other arm swiped at Midoriya but his legs were much faster. He only had a limited time before the sword would back fire on him. He had to end this quickly or hope for back up. He leapt high into the air using the roof as a kick off before lunging himself and his sword into the beasts chest. He landed on his feat pulling the sword up as it tore through the black chest out of its shoulder. He was about to plunge the sword through its skull but was taken by surprise when a thick curved sword pierced its exposed brain. He looked up to see Bakugou standing over his blade yanking it out quickly.

"Katchan!" He called out.

"Move it nerd!" He yelled before disappearing down the halls again.

    The dark haired male didn't check over the beast before he began to follow him into the chaos. A few of the team members were helping lead the prisoners to safety while other heroes defended them from a hoard of replicas.

"Kirishima!" Bakugou called out when he saw the crimson man wailing on the fake people watching them turn to sludge.

"Bakugou!" His sharky grin spread across his lips as he destroyed another one.

   The blond raced towards him slicing  any fake that got into his way in half. Kirishima met him half way waiting for an embrace only to get a swift punch to the chest.

"You idiot! How many times do I have to rescue your dumbass!" He yelled.

"I know right? I was kinda hoping for a roll reverse where I come and save you." Kirishima said honestly.

"Only morons get caught by villains!" The rogue barked.

"Yeah I guess." He scratched his head awkwardly. "But hey-" He paused to claw an oncoming replica down its center. "Kinda worked out right?"

"When this is over I'm selling you!" Bakugou yelled slashing his sword down another enemy taking some of his aggression out.

"You'd get a lot of money." Kirishima agreed knowing full well Bakugou would never let him go.

"Stop getting cocky, we've got some assholes to kill."

"You've got it!" Kirishima slammed his stone fists together.

   Midoriya put Almights sword away reaching for a long dagger he kept at his side. These were smaller goons he could take out without Almights sword. Which was good because his body needed time to recover before he could begin using the sword again. He jumped into the battle tackling the copies of twice and Dabi. With each strike the people melted away into a black goo.

"Midoriya!" Iida's voice echoed. "We need your help up above!"

   The green haired male looked to Bakugou, Kirishina, Tokoyami, Ojiro, and Mina to see they had it all under control. He turned back to Iida rushing to his side to make their ascend back to the top.

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