Chapter 8

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Perhaps it was the complete silence reigning in this room that made me anxious to the point that I started eating my nails in an attempt to offset the fear that began to settle.

Perhaps it was the fact that we were confined inside this room, not able to break out because of the sudden and unexpected irruption of a gang, and we probably all thought the same thing. That this room would end up to be our tomb.

By the time flowing, we could've felt these four walls surrounding us being contracted and the lack of air was being obvious. The silence were killing us and I was praying that everything would end soon. I noticed Louis' forehead becoming all sweaty and I felt some droplets forming over mine too. The temperature increased impressively due to the amount of twenty heating bodies.

Harry stopped giving news via texts for a good ten minutes and my mind kindled with wonder of what he probably has planned. The last news that we received were that Harry was hidden behind a building near the supermarket with Zayn by his side. If they only were two and Steve's gang was composed of more members, they would never make it alive. And it scared me to death to hear the moment I was dreading the most: to harken the sound of a gun-fire.

"It's been two fucking hours we're locked in here. We have to do something." Louis grumbled, standing up and started perambulating. Niall looked at him from his spot, his knees were folded before him and his chin was rested on the pit of his torn jeans.

"We can't do shit about it. Let them fix this and please, sit the hell back down you're making me dizzy." The blonde haired boy answered and got back at staring at his shoes like he's been doing for quite a while.

I patted what was left of my nails against the cold hard floor and slightly banged my head against the wall, repeatedly in order to count the seconds streaming to infinity. It was like my situation was being more relevant each day passing and it felt like my fate was not graced by God, at all.

"I'm only 20." I breathed and interrupted the terrifying quietness that I couldn't bear anymore. I saw Niall, Louis and Liam raising their head in synchronization to look at my direction. "I'm only a 20 year-old girl who haven't experienced life yet. I haven't seen the breath-taking aspects that life has to show." I wiped tears that unfortunately smeared my cheeks. Niall crawled to me and sit in the same position as I was , throwing an arm around my shoulders and squeezed me tightly.

"Nobody's gon die, Love." Niall stroked my arm with his free hand. He seemed so sure of himself that, by the look on his face, I could possibly believe him. But he didn't know what could probably happen, and this is what scared me. My life has always been directed by my choices, I have always done what I had planned. My degrees are more than correct since primary school, I wanted to study criminology and I had the chance to pursue my studies in a faculty where they could give me the chance to attend Francis Crick Institute.

We heard people bursting through Tesco's closed electric glass doors, leaving a startling noise of millions of shattered smithereens. I held my head in my arms and closed my eyes. Niall hugged me tighter, letting his forehead over my skull. I silently prayed the Lord to help us but my anxiety became bigger when we heard steps clattering on the other side of the only door seperating us from them.

The knob was being pulled down and sobs started to leave my shaking lips.
Niall detached himself from me and stood up. He moved his head on the side to indicate me to go near the other people in the back of the room. I followed his instructions as I watched Louis and Liam standing up as well.

"We're gonna make a human chain, we won't let them get to you." The irish boy sealed his arms with his friends' and waited until the door opened. Two persons stepped in, pushing each others to get inside first. I could've watched through Niall's thin legs two bodies wresttling and cursing words being heard at the same time. 

"Guys? What the hell are you doing?" Liam's voice climbed octaves in astonishment. The two bodies froze then detached themselves to finally come inside the room one by one. 

"We have distracted them for quite a moment now." Zayn said, still hidden from Niall's protecting frame. "Crystal needs to go outside the backdoor, Harry's waiting for her inside his car." He informed his mates as I stood up since the moment he said Harry's name. 

"Where are they now?" Louis broke the chain and took a cigarette from the pack which was previously in his back pocket of his skinny jeans. 

"As far as I know they took the direction of Sutton Town, driving to the south west part of London." The tattooed man added. He looked at me and tilted his head. "Crystal, let me guide you to Harry, Yeah? He'll drive you to your house." I silently nodded and turned around to see the little girl peacefully asleep in her mother's arms. I gave her a small smile and followed Zayn to the exit door that would lead me to Harry. 

As I just let myself drop onto the passenger seat and closed the door, Harry didn't wait until I buckled up that he hastly cupped my cheeks and desperately crashed his lips on mine. I let him devour them because I enjoyed everytime he was doing that. His kisses envelopped me and carried me in another dimension, completely out of space.

"Are you okay?" He exhaled, resting his forehead over mine. I nodded, touching his hands which were still cupping my cheeks. He nodded back and kissed my forehead, then pulled away and started the ignition. I didn't understand how, one moment, Harry was so kind and gentle with me but a complete asshole from time to time. It wasn't like we were a couple, or together or something. So, why was he so desperate to kiss me everytime something happened to me? 

After a good ten minutes of pure silence inside his car and my eyes got tired of fixing an empty spot just not to stare at him constantly. I looked on the side and watched him drive through London streets. It was almost 10 pm and I shook my head at the thought that we have been confined in the back-room for four hours. 

" I'm not going to ask you questions on what just happened, because you're surely not going to answer me." I uselessly stated. 

"Good girl." He said hoarsely. I rolled my eyes and gave a glance through my window, letting settle back the previous silence. 


"Crystal!" My mother shouted and jumped in my arms when she saw me entering the house. I must be looking really tired and completely horrible, but it was good to be home. I hugged her back and flinched at what I just saw in front of me. He was laid against the kitchen door frame. 

"Dad?" my voice was lower than a whisper. He approached and took me in his arms. 

"Your mother and I were so scared. Where have you been?" He looked at me gloomily but when I turned around to see Harry who was still waiting at the  frontdoor, my dad's look turned to confusion and anger. Harry waved me goodbye and I smiled at him. My mother said goodbye to him then closed the door behind her as we all walked to the kitchen. 

"When did you arrive?" I questioned my dad while my mother served us tea. He took a seat, as I did and sipped on the cup before answering me. 

"This morning. Your mum told me you haven't returned back since your work." 

a hint of guilt awakened my soul. "My battery was dead. I would've called otherwise, you know that." I said to my mother. 

"You're not going to work in that nightclub anymore, Crystal." My father declared with a neutral voice. I frowned at him, there was no way I was doing this. Plus, I needed to find Tony. "And this guy that came with you? You stay away from him." He added, more severely. I exhaled in disbelief. He looked so serious and by the tone of his voice and the way he looked at Harry, I could tell he knew him. 

Hell, I could tell they knew each other. 


Hi :)

Please keep commenting and voting! thank you all for reading my story it really means sooooooo much to me :D Love you x

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