08. - book fight

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CHAPTER EIGHT❝book fight❞

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book fight


SUNA HAS BEEN CONSTANTLY been told off or nagged by others to focus on his work or to use his phone less, he never thought the roles would be reversed after you've been texting that guy you met a few days ago after the volleyball match.

He thought maybe he should have intervened more between you guys because right now he is resisting the urge to snatch your phone away and throw it very far away from you, like maybe out the window.

Could she do this talking stage at some other time? She's supposed to help me right now?!

He groaned in annoyance, but you were too busy staring at the screen to ask why he's so grumpy, without realising you are the problem.

Too impatient to wait for you to be done with your clingy messages, he snatched your phone away, not chucking it away like his original thought but just tucking it away into his pocket.

"Hey! Give it back!" Standing up to get a better reach to him, but he put his hand out to your forehead stopping you to get any closer. "You can't just take people's phone to get their attention!"

"You'll get it back after I learn some useful knowledge about the third most spoken language in the world." He told you off, folding his arms to let you know he was being serious.

"Never knew you wanted to get better at this." You muttered, pouting at the loss of possession of your phone.

You slowly sat back down on your chair, flipping through the pages of your notebook to see what other topics to cover. For once, Suna gave you his fullest attention.

You declared that the brunette has learned enough, now begging to get your phone back. In hopes that the guy will understand why you left him opened when you were halfway typing to reply to his message.

He pulled out your phone, handing it to you. You snatched it from him in excitement but as soon as you unlock your phone, he decided to mess with you. He stole it back immediately and going through your business, especially your business with your messages with lover boy.

"What the-"

"God, he's so embarrassing!" He look through the messages and noticed how Reiji used excessive amounts of emojis especially the lovey-dovey hearts.

"You enjoy talking to this guy?" He laughed, fuelling your anger more and your desperate need to get your phone. "Thought you would have better taste."

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