☆ Chapter 12: Hey, (Name)? ☆

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☆ Your POV ☆

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☆ Your POV ☆

You entered your tent with Rin, set up your sleeping bags, and couldn't go to sleep. "Hey (Name)?" Rin whispered to you. "Yeah what's up?" You said looking at her. "So Kakashi saved you right?" She said tugging my shoulder. "Yeah?" I questioned looking at her. "Well why was he carrying you bridal style?" Rin said looking at me and smirking. "I- uh, I don't know? Why whats wrong with him just carrying me like that?" I said looking at the smirking girl. "Nothings wrong but... Why didn't he give you a piggy-back-ride?" She said tilting her head. "Wait- wha- no- ask him tomorrow!" I said blushing. "Right~" She said looking at her. "Oh shut up!" I whisper shout at her tugging her shoulder. "He was doing that because I injured my leg dummy!" I whisper shout. "Aw, that's cute. Okay let's go to sleep. We still have things to do tomorrow!" Rin said winking while I roll my eyes at her. We both giggle.

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