Chapter 17

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Standing in front of her bathroom mirror Camila wiped the remainder of the makeup from her face and then brushed the hairspray from her hair. Today had been a shit storm of epic proportions but It was ending with Camila in her hotel room, preparing to greet Shawn, unsure of what if anything was about to transpire between them.

Looking back to the mirror she smiled, her mom had always told her she was so perfect that she didn't need make up or fancy hairstyles or the expensive clothes that other girls used to enhance their beauty and at this moment, looking at her clean, clear tanned skin, her dark eyes with naturally long and thick lashes and her full, long curly hair she saw what her mother had seen all those years ago, her natural beauty and she knew that if Shawn kissed her tonight or if something more happened she was happy that this was how she looked when it all came to pass. Clean, natural and 100% Camila.

A knock at her door pulled her from her thoughts as her heart began to pound desperately within her chest


God how she wanted him to walk through that door and take her in his arms. She walked through the suite towards the door and felt her steps weak and hesitant, if she opened the door and he'd changed his mind she knew without doubt that what remained of her black, tangled heart would shatter into thousands of pieces

Turning the handle, her breath caught in her throat at the sight of him, freshly washed, his curls damp and falling into his eyes, a fuscia pink t-shirt and pale denim jeans, he had obviously applied cologne for the occassion because a sweet musky scent filled her senses and made her feel intoxicated

"Hi you" she all but whispered and stepped away from the door, allowing him access

"Hey" he walked in with that quiet confidence she found so sexy and walked straight to her fridge and took out two waters, here it was her hotel suite but he walked around it as though he owned the place and she found that hot as fuck.

"Drink that" he instructed and she did exactly as he told her to do "How are you feeling?"

"I feel fine, a bit silly for the way I reacted maybe but other than that..."

"Don't do that" his face was tight and drawn "don't feel silly for reacting to someone else's bad behaviour. If you hadn't have lashed out his hand wouldn't have stopped at your thigh and you know that. You did what you had to do to protect yourself, never feel anything but pride at that"

"Ok" she whispered through a smile "So..."

"So what?" Shawn's forehead furrowed into a question

"So I think you came here to kiss me" she forced the words out even though every part of her tried to hold them back. Shawn looked at her, eyebrows raised

"Oh that's what you think is it?" He placed his water on the counter top and stared down at her, his gaze burning a fire from her cheeks to her groin

"Well that's the impression I got when you took my chin like this..." She took his chin in her grip "And tilted my head like this..." She used her grip on him to cause his head to tilt to the side



"Well you were mistaken because that's not how I kiss"

"And how do you kiss?" She asked as her fingers shook against his chin

"Well first of all, I like to be the one in charge " Camila dropped her hands from his face to her sides


"And I like to put a hand here" he wrapped an arm around her waist "so that I can do this" he pulled her by the waist so their hips collided "How does that feel?" He whispered against her temple

"Like I'm about to cum this very second"

"Always so bold" he chuckled "Try to hold back okay? it will be worth it I promise"

"Carry on then"

"What do you say?"

"Carry on...please?"

Shawn kept one arm around her waist, one hand resting on the small of her back as he brought his other hand up and stroked her cheek with the back of it

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?"

"No, never"

"Well you are, so,so beautiful to me" he ran his hand over the top of her head and down the back of her hair "I shouldn't be doing this"

"No you shouldn't but please don't stop" she gasped against his neck, placing a small kiss on his Adams apple and bringing her hands up to rest on his waist

"I couldn't even if I wanted to" he whispered against her mouth before finally lowering his head of allowing his lips to cover hers.

Camila couldn't stop the moan that escaped at the feeling of first contact, she had thought about this moment, dreamt about it since the first time she laid eyes on him but even in her most wild of dreams she couldn't have imagined it feeling like this. His lips massaged hers, warm and soft and patient and she met him move for move, grinding her hips against his when the fire in her groin took hold and demanded friction before it drove her out of her mind

"Shawn" her voice growled as her hands gripped his curls and brought him to her harder as her mouth began to demand more and more of his. Their tongues met for the first time, hot and wet, sliding over each other, tasting and licking and driving both of them wild.

Placing his hands behind her thighs Shawn lifted her to his waist without ever separating their lips. Walking towards the bed he found himself distracted by the feel of her and pushed her up against the wall, his hands caressing her thighs and then the ass that had been driving him wild from the day he first laid eyes on her

"God you feel so perfect"

"And you haven't even felt the best parts of me yet" she taunted as she began kissing and sucking his neck and nibbling his ear lobes

"That shouldn't feel so good" he heaved her from the wall and headed towards the bed "God what the hell am I doing right now?"

As her back hit the mattress and Shawn ripped the t-shirt over his head Camila smiled up at him "You're doing me, hopefully" she said before reaching out and undoing the button of his jeans

*What do we think???? Too early for their first time? Get their clothes off and go for it or a wee bit of drama first????? Let me know

*Please comment vote and make sure you follow me, I will follow you back x

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