Chapter 18

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As it was what had started out hot and passionate soon slowed and began to burn deeper, Shawn had taken his time with her, kissing every inch of skin he could find from her face, down her throat, across her collar bones to her shoulders and then down her arms, sucking each of her fingers before returning to her mouth.

To say the man kissed well would be the equivalent of saying the universe is 'big' an understatement of epic proportions, they may have laid there kissing for 200 years and it still wouldn't have been long enough for her.

Camila had never felt more turned on or more desperate for a man and all they had done was kissed. Camilas hand had once or twice come to massage him over his jeans, unable to resist scoping out the part of him she was so eager to see and feel and taste and although he hadn't resisted he hadn't actively encouraged her either, taking his time to focus on her instead.

When he had finally pulled her t-shirt over her head and taken her braless chest in his hand and mouth she had been unable to hold back her cries of delight, she had no idea how many girls he had practised his skills on but he was now an expert in the fine art of pleasuring a woman and she could only be thankful to all the girls that had gone before her be that 5 or 500.

"Shawn..." his name rolled off her tongue like liquid sex as he finally lowered his mouth to her core. His lips and his tongue worked with the quiet confidence that oozed from his every move as his hands and fingers continued to work against her chest providing so much pleasure to every sensitive part of her that she felt as though when the orgasm finally came it would burst through every single pore of her body

His name filled the room like a symphony of love accompanied only by the sound of his tongue licking and biting, pulling her out, releasing her and then sucking her to him once more. Each time she felt herself moving closer to the point of no return he would change position, pulling her away from the edge and allowing her to start the delicious journey all over again.

Eventually it all became too much and Camila couldn't stop herself from begging him for release but even then he dragged it out, demanding she tell him what she wanted from him, how much she wanted it, how desperate she was for it, when she had satisfied his demands he had returned to her body playing her like an instrument he had owned for years kissing and licking and teasing until suddenly her world and her heart stopped in unison, her voice crying out without her consent and her entire body sparking and then igniting and then blazing with the most intense pleasure she had ever experienced in her life. She thought orgasms like this only happened in adult fairytales, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow you could chase forever and never find.

She clung to his curls, his face between her legs still working, causing aftershock after aftershock until he sensed her body had taken all it could take and then he lifted himself up on to his forearms and smiled up at her, his dimples deep, his lips shining with her arousal and his eyes black with desire

"Worth waiting for?" He asked as though he knew the answer and she could only nod and grin as he crawled up her body and kissed her deeply, her own taste flooding her mouth. "I'm going to want the favour returned but not tonight" her face crumpled at the thought that he was ending it here. Would he reconsider everything he had said if he didn't know what it felt to be with her? She couldn't be sure so she made a move to reach into the tent that was now firmly pitched in his jeans but he took her by the wrists and placed her arms onto the mattress over her head, opening her chest to his eyes once more and as his they drank her in she saw a war being fought behind them

"I want you so fuckin bad right now" he said as his lips pressed a kiss first to her right nipple and then her left

"Take me then, I'm all yours" but he shook his head.

"I want to explore you like this, every way that I can before I allow myself to take you, that way it's gonna be so much hotter, I want to pleasure you and please you whilst denying myself until my body can't deny it's needs anymore and then I'm going to fuck you and then you will know why I waited" he ran a finger from her chin, down her throat and then lightly wrapped his fingers around it before gently pushing her head to the side and kissing all around her ear and the soft spot just below it.

"That is the hottest thing anyone has ever said to me" she groaned

"Yeah? Just wait and see what else these lips can do " he winked before moving his hand and his burning gaze from her throat. "But not now, now it's food, movie and if you are a really good girl I might even snuggle you"

"Are you even real? Who the hell makes 'snuggling' sound the the hottest sex act they ever heard of??" He chuckled before sitting up and handing her the t-shirt and panties he had recently removed and then picked up the room service menu, acting as though 2 minutes ago he hadn't taken Camilas world and shaken the entire thing upside down

*And next...drama!

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*Also the sequel to Circles is now being updated. Circles In The Sand, give it a read and let me know what you thank x

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