Chapter 23

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"Get that fuckin thing out of my face" snarled Shawn as in a split second he had the nozzle of the gun in is hand and Ana' s arm at such an angle she had no option but to release it "Don't you ever point a gun at me again" he warned whilst emptying out the cartridges and replacing the empty gun into his back pocket.

"Miss. Camila, Miss Camila , ven rapido es tu padre! " Ana dropped down to Alejandros side and lifted his head into her lap. "Miss. Camilla por favor!"

"You bitch!" spat Shawn as he once again swiped at his bloody head

"What's going... Papa!!" Camila stepped from the bedroom and immediately dropped to her father's side, as Ana dabbed at his bleeding nose

"Shawn did it!" She accused whilst pointing to the bleeding Canadian

"With some obvious provocation" he replied pointing to his own bloodied and bruised face

"Oh my God, Shawn, are you okay?" She leapt up and rushed to his side "Sit down this looks bad"

"I'm fine" he attempted to swat her small hand away but she grabbed at his chin and pulled his face down to hers so she could investigate his wounds further. "Camila I said I'm fine!" He said pulling his face roughly from her grip as Alejandro began moaning and coming around on the ground

"Camila look what he did to your father"

"Ana look what my father did to him!" she looped her arm through his and looked up at him as though he was the most precious thing in the universe

" Camila, you're making a mistake, you don't know him like you think you do" Ana said whilst running a hand over Alejandros hair and soothing him gently

"What does that mean?" Camila asked, moving uncomfortably and looking up at Shawn for reassurance but he just gazed straight at Ana, seemingly daring her to say whatever was on her mind. "Shawn?"

Shawn just slowly shook his head and tightend his jaw as he gave Ana the floor, watching in silence as her true colours finally began to show

"He's been lying to you Camila. When he said he had feelings for you or he liked you, whatever he said to get you into bed it was all lies"

Camila loosened her grip on Shawns arm, looking up at him again but once more he just stared down at Ana as she swiped the remaining blood from Ales nose and then fixed Camila with her most sympathetic gaze.

"I love you like my little sister Camila, I would never lie to you and I swear I don't want to hurt you but what you told me earlier about you and Shawn..." Shawns head snapped to look at Camila, raising his eyebrows at the news that she had spoken about them with someone else. She just studied his face for a second then turned back to Ana

"What's he lying to me about?" She asked resolutely, keeping her gaze from Shawn and releasing his arm completely, fear flooding her chest

"He doesn't care about you Camila" Shawn shook his head harder this time "He took you to bed but did he tell you he's leaving?!"

"What?!" Camila gasped looking to Shawn. The look on his face telling her everything she needed to know whilst Ana gazed up at him smugly. "When?" Her voice was small, hurt drowing it in her throat.

"Next week" he answered and Camila gasped out again gripping her stomach as she began to feel light headed and dizzy. "Come here" Shawn ordered, pulling her to him and sitting her against the wall "put your head between your knees and just breathe for me okay?" As Camila began taking deep breaths he lifted his head and gazed directly at Ana "You will fuckin pay for this. Mark my words"

"Alejandro, Ale please wake up, I'm scared, Shawns threatening me. Please Ale" she patted his face lightly but still he just let out light groans

"Camila honey, are you okay?" Shawn reached for her chin and tilted her head so she was looking directly at him

"Why didn't you tell me? Why did you let me think..."

"Its not like she said Camila trust me"

"Trust you! You are nothing but a violent liar!" Spat Ana but Shawn didn't even turn to look at her, he simply kept his gaze on the girl he needed so desperately to believe him right now

" I didn't tell you because I needed time. I needed to work out if you and I...if it was something or if it was nothing" he stroked her cheek gently "and it's definitely something"

"Camila don't listen to him. He's been lying to you for weeks" but still Shawns gaze didn't falter

"Camila, baby, I want you to come with me"

"What?!" Camila and Ana both gasped in unison

"You aren't safe here without me. These people, they're going to get you killed"

"'These people as you put it are her family. Camila please don't listen to him. Your father needs you, it would kill him if you left"

"Yeah and you could end up dead if you stay. Camila, I know we haven't known each other long but this thing between us, I have never done this before, I have never even been tempted but with you I just, i couldn't have stopped myself even if I had wanted to"

He's just telling you what you want to hear Camila, I don't know what game he's playing but..."

"Could you please just shut the fuck up?!" Shawn yelled, his patience finally snapping "Camila when your dad wakes up if I'm still here he will kill me"

"Damn right he will" laughed Ana under her breath, loving how dangerous her boyfriend could be but still completely unaware of how much more dangerous the man in front of her was

"Please, come with me now. We can just go, get a plane, we could be anywhere in the world in hours and I will be able to keep you safe. I can't do that if you stay"

"I can't go" Camila answered, her eyes fixed firmly on her hands

"Camila please..." Shawn hands were on her cheeks, forcing her to look at him, "I have to go"

"I know that but I have to stay" her eyes filled with tears as she briefly looked up at him then looked back to the ground "Go. My father will kill you, you're right and I couldn't live with that"

"Don't do this, don't stay, don't put them first when they have never done the same for you" he stroked her cheek " Baby please..."

"Go Shawn" tears streamed down her cheeks as she raised a hand to his chest and pushed him gently away from her "Please"

"I don't want to leave you"

"Just go!" She spoke loudly, pushing him harder and wiping to clear the tears with her sleeve but he once again grabbed her cheeks and pulled her face to him

"I will be back for you, I don't know how but I'm not leaving u like this"

"Please go before he hurts you" she sobbed into his shoulder and for a moment or two he held her tightly as a way of him saying goodbye when his lips couldn't say the words. Lifting his head he placed a soft kiss to her forehead before whispering "I'll be back for you" and then standing and blowing her a kiss before heading down the stairs and out the front door. Leaving Camila sobbing next to her father's barely conscious body. Ana observing both father and daughter and smiling smugly at how easy everything had just become.

*And he's gone. What's going to happen without him? What's Ana' s next move? How safe is Camila without Shawn? Vote and comment and follow me to find out

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