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When I woke up, and morning sun shone upon both our faces first thing I opened my eyes to was him, and if I could, I wouldn't ask for anything else to open my eyes to, ever.

The long lashes were guarding his eyes from the sunlight that painted his irises with another indescribable color.

Almost no distance between our faces, he brought the tip of his nose closer, nuzzling our noses together and my cheeks flushed, a giggle escaping my lips.

He doesn't move away, just presses his lips on mine, not even a kiss, just an early morning act of something wonderful and unexplainable that I felt deep inside of me. I could only smile and let that pure, lovely feeling swallow me whole.

He smiles and I look at how the sun illuminates his face, and for the first time I'm close enough to notice little freckles scattered all over his cheeks, the bridge of his nose, everywhere, like little stars.
Little stars. I bring my hand closer and he observes carefully as my fingers travell across his skin, his skin soft under my touch, connecting his freckles, like little constellations. Little stars. I smile but he doesn't.

He's serious, and as if there are some words he's tempted to say, hidden away, waiting for something. For me?

“What?” I ask and his hand is climbing to my face, drawing gentle circles on my cheek.

My eyes travelled rapidly across his face, looking for any sign of what he's about to say but hopelessly. He's quiet and his gaze is following the moves of his finger, giving me chills.

“You're beautiful.”

In that moment, that moment, I felt... I felt beautiful. That moment, that minute, while the hand on the clock ran a full circle, I felt beautiful. The moment later it was gone; the feeling disappeared in thin air, but in that moment, I knew, it was there. Because I knew, if someone like him said it like that, then it must've been the truth, even for a moment. Even for a moment.

His voice, low and husky, gave me goosebumps. I kept quiet, the feeling in my chest silencing every word, and hoped, quietly, that he knew I meant the same. Every day. Every moment. I meant the same. I thought the same. He's beautiful too.

Later, at breakfast, when the conversation died out and we were left eating in silence, my head fell in my hand, and my gaze fell on him. As always. I looked at the way he was just sitting there minding his business scrolling on his phone mindlessly.

Warm. The blissful feeling of water flowing down my body, creating the steam in the bathroom. I get out and try and dry my hair with a towel, and putting on a pair of sweatpants and a white t-shirt my eyes fall on a familiar navy hoodie.

I pull it on, over my head, and watch how long sleeves hang over my hands, and the hoodie almost reaches the half of my thighs. His scent. Everywhere. Wrapping me around, like a soft, warm hug. I find myself standing in front of the mirror, my palms, sweater paws, pressed to my cheeks and nose, just enjoying the feeling of his scent around me.

A smirk raises on my face as I walk out of the bathroom.

He's sitting on a couch, his palm pressed to his chin when he spots me and raises his head to look at me.

His mouth falls open and he furrows his brows before there's a giant smile on his face and he's slowly standing up approaching me.

“Is that my hoodie?” He asks laughing.

“No?” I said smiling and he walked closer.

“That's my hoodie, you little idiot!” He said his laugh making my cheeks burn as he walks closer and puts his arms around me.

“No, that's our hoodie.” He places his chin on my head and I hear him wheeze, his wheeze like a whistle.

“Keep it, it looks cute.” He says but doesn't pull away and I smile, thinking about how his chin rests comfortably on top of my head, and how my head is laid in the crook of his neck, almost perfectly fitting like two pieces of the puzzle.

A puzzle. Two pieces made for each other. I thought about it too, later, when we were editing the video together, me sitting in his chair, him sitting in a chair from the kitchen, and we'd both turn our heads at the same time, he'd smile and I'd smile too, without words and we'd continue working, a warm fuzzy feeling in my stomach from just being near him.

Hours later, when I was lying in bed, when the night had already fallen deep, and the only thing awake was the moon, some quiet noises and shifting behind me made me turn around and meet his eyes, open, awake.

“Hey...” He said, his voice a pained whisper.

“Hey, why are you awake?” I asked slowly, quietly, almost as if not to disrupt the silence of the late night.

By now I completely turned over to face him, completely forgetting why I was awake in first place – it didn't matter.

“I- I couldn't sleep.” He said and I smiled warmly, pushing away a strand of hair from his face. Sudden thought made me grin. “Do you wanna go outside?”


Minutes later, we left his house and were walking down the street. “You know this is like... the craziest idea you've ever had?”

I shrugged. “Well, not exactly the craziest, but okay.” He laughed and I thought: maybe it is the craziest, but, — it made him laugh and smile so wide — that I think it paid off pretty well.

The streets were empty, the only sound being our footsteps and the whistle of the wind. He took my hand and swayed it back and forward as we walked down the street, like little kids, screw that, like big kids.

He took both my hands and started spinning them, making me look around to see if someone's there. “Come on, dance with me!”

“What if people saw us?” I asked laughing.

“Come on, there's no one here, and so what if they saw us, I want them to see!”

He wants them to see. I gave in and we danced together. Danced together on empty street, in the middle of the night. Danced, like two idiots, not caring what anyone would say. It didn't matter. I had him and he had me, and it was enough.

It was more than enough, when we continued walking, jumping around, when he stopped, pressed his hand to my chest and pressed me against the wall, my back against the hard brick.

I smile, and he brings our lips together, and the street, the night, the moon, it all fades as I melt into the feeling, my knees almost buckling as he places his hand on the wall, and presses harder, his lips soft on mine. Soft, but electric. Ecstatic. Ecstasy. Altered sensation. The most addictive drug. And when he pulls away, looks into my eyes, and all the lust fades away, there is only a shy smile before he pulls me tight to his chest and spins me around, my feet hovering over the ground.

“Dream!” I laugh.

“George...” He smiles.



Gentle reminder to drink water, eat a snack or take your medicine if you need to

I wish you a nice day/night!

– Indie

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