Pages 11-14 Chapter 1

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          "Techno, knock that off. Give the boy a minute to gather himself," Phil reprimanded him. Wilbur decided he liked the other man, "here's your guitar by the way, you left it over there earlier while hiding." Yeah, Wilbur definitely liked this man.

"Thank you." He grabbed his guitar with haste.

"So, why were the guards chasing you?" the nice man asked.

"I was a bit snippy with a shop owner is all," he explained.

"That's it?" Techno scoffed, "the way they were looking for you, someone would think you killed their dog."

"Yeah well, I'm just annoying apparently," Wilbur sighed. "Sorry about running into you earlier, and thank you for the help -?" he stopped, awaiting their names.



"I'm Wilbur, it was nice meeting you, but I think I've overstayed my welcome." Wilbur went to leave when Phil stopped him.

"Nonsense! Stay the night at least, we have plenty of supplies. Besides, you look exhausted." Phil's hands rested on Wilbur's shoulders. Normally, he would have slapped them away already, but something about Philza was oddly comforting.

Sighing Wilbur gave in, "Yeah, thanks." Every fiber in his body told him to decline, to leave. So why did he stay? Well, he was exhausted, and would probably not make it far without the guards snatching him, but still.

When night fell, they started the fire. Wilbur sat close enjoying the warmth. He hadn't thought about how cold it had been until he was warm.

"So, what are you planning on doing then Wilbur?" Philza asked him.

"What do you mean?" Phil chuckled a bit. "Well, you can't spend the rest of your life running from guards." Wilbur thought for a moment. What was he going to do?

"I don't really know, what about you two?" Phil looked at him fondly. "Well, if you'd believe me, I'd tell you." Now this piqued his interest.

"What do you mean?" Wilbur scooted closer, leaning in.

"Nothing much, just that our goal is a bit bizarre," Phil said with the wave of a hand. Wilbur laughed at this.

"Nothing can be that bizarre, try me." Phil shrugged, a smirk playing at his lips.

"Alright then. Techno and I are brothers, just found him about a week ago. We're on a quest to find our two other brothers and save a kingdom from tyranny." Wilbur's head was spinning. A lot for the older man to tell him in one sitting. Phil's gaze softened looking at the younger man.

"Sorry mate, didn't mean to overwhelm you. Disregard it if you want." Phil laughed patting the boy's shoulder.

"Yeah, just a lot to take in I guess." Phil's laugh stopped, curiosity replacing it. He got up and pulled the second scroll out of his pouch, handing it to Wilbur.

"By any chance, could you try reading this for me?" Confused, Wilbur accepted the scroll hesitantly.

"Four brothers united but displaced. The seeker will find the three, willingly or not. Fate and coincidence go hand in hand. The first will be found monotonous but accepting. The second will be found in chaos but trouble less. The third will find you, so do not fret. Keep your eyes open for he will be hard to spot." Once Wilbur was finished, he looked back up at Phil, still confused.

"Well Wilbur, you said you didn't know where you were going after this. Why don't you come with us?"

"You want me, to come on a trip to find your brothers? Why?" Wilbur was skeptical. What was the scroll for?

"Well, you see Wilbur, only us four brothers can read the scrolls. So, I do think you might be related to us," Phil tried explaining. Wilbur looked at him like he had two heads.

"That-that is the stupidest reason for claiming someone to be your brother ever!" Wilbur practically spat, his tone wasn't mean, more so disbelieving. Phil smiled sheepishly.

"Look I told you it was hard to believe, but even so you can come with us either way." Around them was a forest, somewhere in this forest were palace guards looking for him. He had two options, stay on the run, or he could go with the two lunatics. One option was sounding slightly better than the other. Phil saw the conflicted look on his face.

"You don't need to make a decision yet, but Techno and I are leaving early Tomorrow." Wilbur nodded, shivering slightly. Grabbing another cloak out of his sack, Phil clasped the fabric around his shoulders. It was warm.

The three sat around the fire that night until they deemed it time for bed. In the morning Wilbur went with the two.

"So, where exactly are we going?" Wilbur asked.

"Pretty much just until we hit the next town." Phil answered, "in fact I think it's our end destination as well. Seeing as I've already found you two, the hard part's over. Our youngest brother was said to be the only one to stay in the kingdom of our origin. So, he should be in the town somewhere."

"Ah, ah, ah, that's if I'm somehow related to you." Wilbur corrected, "for all you know you could be missing two brothers."

"Yeah, okay," Phil said sarcastically. Ultimately, it took them another day to get to their destination, but finding the last brother was turning out to be harder than they thought it would be.

"Tommy!" Tubbo yelled once his friend was in his line of sight.

"Hi Tubbo!" Tommy yelled back.

"What are we going to do today?" The shorter questioned.

"We can walk around town again." Tommy suggested. Tubbo agreed and soon the two were off, not before eating some of Niki's cookies of course.

"C'mon Tubbo, I'll race you to the toy store!" Tommy exclaimed. Taking what was most definitely a head start.

"Wait! You cheater!" Tubbo called after him. The wo ran through the town square, weaving through the people. Tommy whipped his head over his shoulder.

"I didn't cheat! You bit-" Tommy was met with a face full of dirt.

"Uh, Phil." A deep voice called.

"Yeah mate?" this 'Phil' responded. The man with the deep voice pointed at the twelve-year-old on the ground.

"Techno, it looks like he fell for you," another voice snickered, how funny he was. Tommy finally looked up; a bit humiliated but otherwise fine. A black boot was in front of his face, barely touching his nose. The man the foot belonged to had bright pink hair and two unnatural tusks forming out of his mouth. He tilted his head slightly at the staring child.


"Tommy! Are you alright?!" A concerned Tubbo appeared out of thin air and out of breath.

"I'm fine Tubbo, nothing I can't handle!" Tommy said confidently, standing up and brushing himself off. He turned to the men.

"Sorry about almost running into you, bye!" With that the two children were gone.

"Alright then."

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