Pages 23-26 Chapter 2

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        The next morning Tommy woke up in Wilbur's arms, it's nice. Something he's never felt before, something he had only seen be shared between Tubbo's family. Like when Niki would hold Tubbo while Eret read a story, taking turns with Ranboo. It made Tommy feel safe.

His eyes barely opened, but they just felt so incredibly heavy; like two boulders had been placed on his eyelids. He closed them again, giving into the weight. It was nice, peaceful. Tommy would relish in this moment for as long as he could.

"Time to get up boys!" It was gone, just like that. The warm blanket that had been draped over the two was pulled from their bodies. The cold air hitting his skin woke him up immediately. Tommy huddled closer to the body next to him for warmth, a disgruntled groan leaving his mouth. Why did they have to wake him up like this?

"C'mon Tommy, go wash up and then sit down for breakfast." A sleepy Tommy washed the dirt and grime off of himself. When was the last time I had a bath? Not any time recently, that was for sure. By the time he was finished he looked like a completely new person.

"Oh, here these used to be mine. They might be a bit big, but better than what you've got now." Phil handed him a pile of clothes to change into. Just how nice was this man?

"Thank you."

Phil smiled in return. "I was thinking Wilbur could be the one to teach you today while Techno and I go out searching, how does that sound?" Phil proposed. Wilbur rolled his eyes and groaned.

"Why do I keep getting stuck with the child?" Wilbur whined.

"Because Techno did it yesterday and if I let you two go out on your own, heaven knows what you would do." In all truthfulness Tommy agreed with Phil, but then again letting any of them alone just seemed like a stupid idea.

"Fine, but you get to deal with him tomorrow then." Guilt pooled in Tommy's chest; they were already doing so much for him. They were so nice, but he was just an inconvenience to them.

"It's alright, I haven't seen Tubbo in a while, maybe I should go see him today-" Tommy quickly tried giving excuses, to stop being such a burden to them.

"Oh shush child, I was joking. You're coming with me today." Wilbur waved him off, not very convincingly. But it was enough for Tommy to comply. Getting up from the table Wilbur grabbed his coat and his guitar, the man never went anywhere without it.

"Come on child." Tommy frantically scooped the rest of his porridge into his mouth before practically running out the door behind him. That said he did remember his manners and yell his goodbyes to the other two at the table.

Tommy remembered a lot of what Techno had taught him the previous day. Tommy was retaining the information given to him. Eventually when Tommy's brain was full and fried Wilbur gave him a break.

"You wanna hear a song?" Wilbur asked grabbing his guitar. Tommy nodded excitedly, he had never heard a performance before, let alone instruments.

"Cause he's in your bed but I'm in your twitch chat! Just because he has social skills, doesn't mean I can't pay the bills. Your new boyfriend's an asshole," Wilbur sung loud and full. His head bobbed up and down at the guitar breaks, and soon Tommy was following in suit. Tommy was loving every second of this.

"You wrote that?" Tommy asked once Wilbur stopped strumming. Wilbur nodded proudly.

"It's my newest one, but I think it's my favorite one that I've written."

"So, you've written other songs?" Tommy asked curiously. Wilbur nodded.

"Will you sing more?" Wilbur's eyes lit up, finally someone who enjoyed his passion.

"Well, I would but I can't do all the singing here, why don't you sing me something you know." Wilbur suggested. Tommy frowned; he wasn't very good at singing. Besides he only knew one song.

"Fine but you can't make fun of me, okay?" Tommy glared. Wilbur nodded, holding back a laugh. Tommy was really like a little brother.

Tommy started a patting pattern. A pat on his leg for the first beat of the first measure, a tap of his foot for the first beat of the second measure and so on. The song was in 3/4 Wilbur noted, a waltz time signature. After two measures of patting and tapping Tommy started singing.

"Hung pictures of patron saints on my wall." The way he sang was so close to talking Wilbur might not have thought it was a song.

"To remind me that I am a fool, tell me where I came from, what I will always be, just a spoiled little kid who went to catholic school." Tommy had learned this song from other kids at the orphanage, it was the only one he ever heard them singing.

"When I am dead, I won't join their ranks. Because they are both holy and free, and I'm in Ohio, satanic and chained up. And until the end, that's how it'll be." Tommy's rhythm got more aggressive.

"I said make me love myself so that I might love you. Don't make me a liar, because I swear to god when I said it, I thought it was true." He went back to his previous volume.

"Saint Calvin told me not to worry about you, but he's got his own things to deal with. There's really just one thing that we have in common. Neither of us will be missed." Tommy stopped the rhythm but continued to sing.

"A saint Bernard sits at the top of the driveway." he picks the patting back up, more aggressive than before.

"You always said how much you loved dogs. I don't know if I count, But I'm trying my best when I'm howling and barking these songs." And then it was over.

Wilbur was a bit concerned if he was being honest. Sympathy filled him while looking at the younger boy. Why did he know a song like that? Wilbur was halfway betting on the fact that Tommy would start singing something like Mary Had a Little Lamb. It wasn't even the song itself that threw Wilbur off, but the way Tommy sang it. His voice was rough, deep, his dynamics were dramatic and emphasized. A perfect way to sing it, but for a twelve-year-old child Wilbur couldn't help but be concerned. Tommy lifted his gaze to meet Wilbur's, ready for him to make fun of him.

"I know it was bad, you don't gotta look at me like that," Tommy said defensively. He's never sung for anyone else before, he was already nervous as it was.

"No, it's not that, I just-" Wilbur went silent, "never mind, we should be heading back now." The two packed up their things and went back to the inn. Techno and Phil still hadn't had any luck, but Tommy was learning, so they took it as a productive day.

That night Wilbur practically stole the child, claiming that he didn't want Phil or Techno getting kicked or punched in their sleep. He was such a thoughtful brother.

In all honesty, especially after today, Wilbur felt the need to protect the younger boy. Almost like he could break if he was bent too far. He might also just like cuddling. Tommy didn't seem to mind though, being severely touch-starved and all. And so, it became routine that the two would share a bed while Techno and Phil would share the other.

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