chapter 4

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By the end of the week, Harry was finishing up his third of the five poems for his final project. He read them over, still unsatisfied with their quality but relieved slightly that he'd made progress. Derek always told him his writing was too sappy or too boring. He never quite understood what Harry wrote about, shrugging it off without making an effort to decipher Harry's thoughts on paper. Harry let his mind wander further, flashing back to a moment in his last relationship.

"It doesn't make sense, H. 'She felt cold all over despite her husband's warm arm around her waist; she felt miles apart from the person right next to her.' What's that even mean?"

Harry shrugged and looked down at his shoes, trying hard to push away the sad, scary thoughts that may have inspired his most recent short story for class. "Like, she doesn't feel the same in her husband's presence? And she's... cold instead of warm, like how you feel warm when you're happy? In love?" Harry supplied in attempt to explain it.

Derek rolled his eyes. "I dunno, I don't get it. It's too cryptic... and mopey," he replied, handing back Harry's typed final draft. Harry frowned at his paper, doubting his writing once more. "And you forgot, like, three commas, I think."

The close-minded critique left Harry feeling dejected, but he chalked it up to the fact that Derek majored in engineering and hadn't read a book in years, save for his school textbooks.

Harry now stood in his empty apartment, looking over his poems for the umpteenth time, criticizing himself in a way he never used to before dating Derek.

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