Chapter 13: Undercover

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It was the week after the punishment, Alex was hanging out with Angel at his house. he and his girlfriend were talking jokes for a while.

'' Camila, bring some beers because today were celebrating." Angel said to Camila. she walked out of the house to get beers. 

" ohh, tell her to bring some chips.'' Alex said

'' ohh yeah'' Angel said. he walked out of the house. went with Camila to the store. when Angel was gone. Alex began to search for evidence, he searched on his room. he looked on the wardrove and he found a suitcase. it was a little heavy, he opened it. inside was lot of euros. he closed the suitcase and getting ready to leave. but it was to late. 

" you're not going anywhere!" Angel said looked devily. Alex turned around and he saw Angel with a gun on his hand. pointing at him. " drop the suitcase and turn around.'' he said to Alex. he didn't know what to do. but he had no choice. Alex swing the suitcase at Angel hands. which   made him to drop the gun. Alex jumped over Angel. both fell on the floor. 

'' get off me'' Angel demanded. 

'' you're going to pay this crap, you had Camila behind us. she switched the suitcases. but its over.'' Alex said angrily. Alex got his hand knife out of his pocket. stabbed Angel's leg that made him screamed. Alex got up and kicked Angel hard. 

Alex ran out of Angel house with the suitcase. he ran some where and hid. he stole Angel's phone. he began to make a phone call. 

'' Landon, its Alex come get me out" Alex said desperately. 

'' okay, where are you?'' Landon asked. 

" i send you the address, I'm at Russia. listen when you get here, go immediately to the police. give them the address.'' Alex said. 

''but what about you, the police will arrest you.'' Landon said. 

'' I will be out of the house, I'll be hiding somewhere, Landon I'm counting on you. but just send me a warning. when you get here.'' Alex said. 

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