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Okay so this is my first real attempt to write anything on wattpad instead of just reading everything and I hope you enjoy it. Thankyou.


Professor Grim what are you doing?"

" Just giving you a chance at extra credit my dear. You see even with your grades a couple of zeroes will hurt you in the long run. So you had better take the offer."

He was the youngest of the history professors here and from what I heard had any other girl gotten this offer they probably wouldn't have turned it down. I blacked out and the last thing I can remember is letting the barrier down and the last thing I saw was a bright light and he was flying across the room.

When I woke up I was in a hospital bed monitors were beeping and my head was cursing loudly at my stupidity. My sisters, Scarlet and Mercy were there holding each of my hands. Mercy was fast asleep but scarlet with her ever watchful eyes was staring at me in amazement.

"You've been out for a week the both of you, he's still out cold. No one knows what happened. Did you slip up again Grace?" she sounded panicked and though I wished I could forget it I told her everything. She was appalled at what went on before we were knocked out but was slightly upset that I hadn't seen it coming and had to magic myself out of the situation. Mercy was just plain angry and said he deserved to stay in a coma and that it was very unfortunate that he woke up only an hour after I did. Mercy is a tad bit extreme, but she is the baby. Scarlet has always been the wiser one of us, but she's had to be.

The police also came to get my statement and I was forced to give a little white lie as to what happened to knock us both unconscious for a week. Thankfully Scarlet had been working on a theory that sounded more believable than the truth.They too were slightly shocked when I told them what he was doing but said they would follow that up as soon as they left here. After that I was free to go home whenever I felt like it.

We had a house outside of the city, where our parents had lived, but now it was only the three of us in that large house. Scarlet drove us home and I immediately dreaded going to sleep. It was only eight but still I knew that once my eyes shut I would see it all over again like I had in the hospital. Mercy sensing I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight said, " How about we watch a marathon of funny cartoon movies?"

"It's a school night."

"But scar.... Why do I have to go if Gracie isn't going tomorrow? Are we just going to leave her here all by herself the day after she comes home from the hospital for being attacked?"

"I am going to the university tomorrow to see if I can get out of Grimm's class. I only have a week left and I will see if I can do anything about getting out early. You however, are supposed to graduate in thirty days and you've missed too much school as it is. You're going, no ifs ands or buts about it Mercy, right Scar?"

Mercy groaned and stomped off into her bedroom. I smiled just a tad on the inside and said "Good night mercy, I love you too." Scarlet hugged me, said good night and then also retreated to her room. I however stayed in the living room and turned on the funny cartoon movies. I quickly fell asleep.

In my dreams I walked to my parent's bedroom, none of us had been in here much in the last few years. It was exactly the way that they had left it that one fateful night. As I stood there wondering why my dreams would carry me up here of all places I saw what I was meant to. Mom and Dad, or a vision of them standing there in front of the mirror, dad helping mom put on a necklace exactly how they used to look when I would come in here in the mornings when they were getting ready. Finally dad turned around and waved me in. He said "Gracie everything is going to be alright. I promise. Do you remember where my gun is?" I thought to myself now that's weird, why would he ask me that?

"yes why" I replied and he only looked sorrowfully at mom before saying quickly " I can't stay long but you're going to need it and soon. Be careful. Tell Scarlet and Mercy we love them and we love you too." And just like that they were gone. I woke on the couch feeling like I was about to hyperventilate. Quickly I took my father's advice and scrambled up to my parents room half thinking that I would find them there when I walked in. Of course they weren't and I only paused for the briefest of seconds before going to Dad's nightstand drawer and pulling out his nine millimeter pistol. He had never taught me to use it but I knew the basics of safe gun handling, he had taught us all that. I would use it if I had to. I never thought about why I was suddenly worried about my dad's warning I had never seen them in a dream before and I had never woken up feeling like I was in eminent danger. This time I felt that I was in eminent danger if I didn't heed my parents warning maybe it was a sixth sense or something that was making me feel extra cautious tonight or something. But I crept down the stairs trying to stop breathing long enough so that I could hear something other than the dead silence resonating throughout the house. When I went past the kitchen I felt a slight chill. The kitchen window next to the dining table was open the curtain billowing in the wind. I felt my body automatically react. I gripped the pistol tighter holding it exactly how I remember my dad telling me was the safest way to hold it. My finger ready at a moment s notice to pull the trigger. I walked carefully out of the kitchen into the living room my heart hammering in my chest. Someone was in here. And I knew exactly who that someone would be. Grimm.

I looked around the living room and certain that he wasn't there I went down the first hallway to Mercy and my bedrooms. The door was closed on Mercy's and I didn't want to scare her in case I really was crazy and nobody was really in the house. So I carefully twisted the knob to my bedroom door and there standing right inside my window about to jump out into the night was the man I had been dreading to see. Grimm, here in my parent's house, in my room, about to escape to freedom after breaking in and not finding me where he thought I should be. I didn't think. I squeezed.

Sometime later I remember the men in the ambulance pronouncing my history professor dead. The cops were there asking me all of the same questions, and then they left me and my sisters alone. Scar didn't go anywhere the next day but called the university and told them everything that had transpired the last few days. Mercy went to school but only to be counted attended for and then she ditched and came back to the house. The minute scar said I had passed my classes I began packing a bag. I could no longer stay in this house. Scarlet said she understood, but because of her job and Mercy she couldn't come with me. That was fine with me, I would miss them both and all of the friends I had made, but I needed to be alone for a while.

I got in Dad's old green ninety nine dodge and only looked back once, after saying good-bye to my sisters. Then I hit the road not knowing where I was going, or how long I would be and honestly not caring. I didn't plan to stop but to eat sleep and get gas.


This is a part of Grace, the part that she doesn't want to face. Like it or not she is a different person now. More of her will be revealed later once another character comes into play.

Thanks for reading.

Also this is unedited. I typed it in word and did the best I could but I am sure I still made some mistakes and for that I apologize.

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