Chapter 2

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As I drove further and further into town I kept a lookout for anything that might need an extra hand or two. I was running low on cash again. Scarlet sent money once a month but I tried not to use it unless I had to. Most of it sat hidden in the falling apart dashboard for emergency use only. I was going to try and give it back to her someday.

A diner on the corner looked like a pretty good prospect. Athenas home cooking was the name printed on the side of the building. It looked to be their lunch rush too, there were tons of cars in the lot. So instead of walking right in I went around the corner to an inn that advertised good looking and affordable apartments. There was a woman that looked about Scarlets age sitting behind the counter reading a cosmo magazine. She glanced up when I walked in and immediately began talking.

" Hi, my names Rachel, this is the coyote creek inn would you like a room?"

"Hi Rachel, my names Grace, umm and that's going to depend. Do you know if Athenas home cooking is hiring anyone right now?"

Her face lit up and then she said," Sure, mom's always needing help somewhere. My brother and I help out, but even the three of us can't do it all."

She walked around the counter and gestured for me to follow her. She led me back around the corner to the diner. When we walked in an older version of Rachel led us to a booth in the back corner and promised to be with us in a moment.

When her mother walked away Rachel grabbed my hand, I resisted the urge to pull it away. Then she said suddenly and excitedly,

" so you're a witch?"

At that point I did jerk my hand back in shock. How could she possibly know what I was?

"Oh don't worry, you're new here. I'm a shifter, I see auras and they tell me what someone is based on the color of the aura. Your secret is safe in Hope. We are all something mythical here. That guy over there with the blonde ponytail is Joseph or Jo. He's a were cat basically he's like me with only one form. His is a lion.

Wow this was all so much to take in. I automatically believed her because I knew that if I could exist then there was a possibility that whatever she was telling me could also exist.

"So you're saying you can turn into any animal that you want?"

"Yep, though I didn't expect you to be this newly introduced to the mythical world."

She was smiling again and she was so friendly I couldn't help but like her. She reminded me of Mercy. A pang of guilt and homesickness hit me. I missed my sisters, but I could never go back to New York.

"My brother is a true shifter, I'm only gifted. He likes to run with the coyotes up on the northern hill and he keeps them away from the towns livestock."

About that time a gorgeous man slides into the booth next to me and says, " and just who are you telling town secrets to." Then he turns to me and his eyes registered something like recognition. " you?" Like he knows me, but I would definitely remember this guy from anywhere. Mercy would probably call him a 12 on a scale of 10. Scarlet might even stare.

"You were the woman in my pasture today."

We stared at each other for a minute before Rachel cleared her throat.

"Sam this is Grace. She will probably be staying here for a while if you don't scare her off. She's new to this whole mythical thing."

He shook his head as if to clear it and said, " I'm sorry where are my manners, my name is Sam. I'm the coyote you met in the pasture today."

Then everything clicked.

"You? I knew you acted so human." He chuckled and damn it if I didn't melt.

"I'll take that as a compliment, although I was a little shocked to see you. What were you doing out there?"

This was where things could get tricky, but I opted for the version that had the most truth to it.

"I had a panic attack and just needed to get off the road. I'd been driving for a while, then I saw the horses and I don't know, I didn't think about it. They calmed me down. Then you," I pointed playfully,"scared them off. I didn't mean to trespass on your property it won't happen again. "

Sam put his hand on my arm and unconsciously I flinched away from his touch. His eyes found mine and to my horror understanding was in his kind brilliant blues. Instead of saying anything accusatory he said,

"No you're fine to go out there anytime. Do you know a lot about horses?"

"Not really. Most of what I know my dad taught me when my sisters and I were little and going through the pony stage. I'd like to learn more though someday maybe."

That seemed to bring Rachel into the conversation though she was still staring amusingly at her brother. " I'm sure mom will let you work somewhere around town and you can stay at my place if you want. Sam can even teach you about the horses."

"I'll split the bills with you and if Sam would like to that would be wonderful." I smiled and each time it got easier and easier.

"Sam would love to!" Sam said, " hey I gotta go help close up the shop, I'll see yall at dinner. Nice meeting you Grace." Then he kissed his sisters forehead ruffled her hair and tipped his beat up cowboy hat at me before walking out the door.

Their mother came and sat down just shortly after Sam got up. She looked tired but was still very beautiful. Her daughter is the spitting image of her. I didn't look like either of my parents. Scarlet looked like mom with her fiery hair and emerald eyes. Mercy looked like a good mix of both with mom's eyes and dad's dark hair and freckled nose.

"Sorry it took so long dear. Who's your new friend?" She looked at me and smiled before saying," I see you've already met my kids."

"Yes ma'am I just got here this afternoon and I was hoping to stay for a while."

My hands were sweaty and I was attempting to talk with them. All the while she smiled. " I was wondering of you needed any help around here?" I released what breathe I'd been holding finally having asked the question. I was always nervous at this but this was the nicest town I'd been in. She seemed to think on it a minute before she said,

"No not here but the shop needs someone to do the books, the clinic needs a receptionist and a tech and I could really use someone out at the ranch I'll let you take your pick."

I looked to Rachel who seemed to be hiding a smile and I think I surprised them both when I said I'd take all three. I was confident I could handle all three and all of them sounded good. Better than most others I'd been offered in the past six months.

Their mom, Athena, stretched out her hand for me to shake formally introduced herself and then said with a sly smile on her face,

"I hope you liked my son, you'll be seeing a lot of him while you stay here. Oh I almost forgot is 10.00 an hour okay?"

I must have been smiling like a fool I was so excited. I'm going to like this town.

"That's perfect. Thankyou very much Athena. When can I start?"

"You better catch Sam, he went to close the shop. He will be back in a minute or two. You'll know his ride when you see it. Welcome to Hope ms Grace.

Rachel quickly put her number in my phone and then I ran out of the diner to catch that hunky cowboy.


So I hope everyone is continuing to like To Save Me. I look forward to any constructive comments and suggestions. Also this is all unedited. I will come back and edit later.

Thankyou for the reads.

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