four • first night in the city

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I know it's only been two days since we last spoke, but on my second day in the city I already have something.
The Obscurus attacked again this morning; I was there. It's definitely what you think it is, but I'm yet to figure out where exactly it comes from. The second I have some real information of its whereabouts, I'll let you know.
In this envelope are three photos I took at the scene, which you've probably already intently studied. Two are from after last night's sighting, just seconds before today's began. The third photo, and perhaps the most incoherent, was taken accidentally just as it flew away.
See the eyes?
I'm not entirely sure how far apart our time zones are, but you'll probably be asleep when Phoenix arrives. When you read this line, can you please feed him? It's been a long journey, as you must know. He likes frogs.



It's very late at night, and I can't sleep.

I've never used the phrase "tossing and turning" to describe my trying to sleep before, but that's what I'm doing tonight.

The night on the ferry, I'd slept as well as I did back in Scotland, but tonight is different. The air has grown dark and cold, and I eventually feel my body relax, but never enough to settle down and close my eyes. Having already sent Albus' letter when I got back to the hotel in the evening, I didn't even have that or the photographs to occupy myself. The second Phoenix flew out of the window with them in the envelope I couldn't help but regret it.

Yet I know it's an Obscurus for sure now. The only problem is going to be figuring out who is controlling it, where they are and how I'm going to calm them to the point where they're happy to hop on a ferry over to the Highlands with me.

My original plan was to go to bed early and then fall asleep not long afterwards, but once I've been lying down for a couple of hours and I don't seem tired in the slightest, I give up.

Having nothing better to do, I dress into one of my plain grey outfits and pull a woolen hat over my head. I look through my window and check that the coast is clear before apparating onto the path below me.

Apparition is always a painful, dizzying process for me, but I'm yet to lose any limbs because of it. I take a moment to steady myself and calm my racing heartbeat, and then I start walking.

I don't actually know where I'm going. I just know I fancy the cold air, velvety blue-black sky and the feeling that I'm alone under the comfort of the light of the street lamps.

I never had this sort of freedom during my time at Hogwarts. Although they weren't as strict with curfews beyond your third year, it was still difficult to sneak out to somewhere where you could be alone. Even in the deserted corridors, there were still the distant footsteps, the echoed voices of teachers in their classrooms. I'd tried going out into the woods, but there wasn't much of it that wasn't a part of the Forbidden Forest. As the gullible little thing that I was, whenever I got too close to it I'd always kid myself that I heard something and then scramble back to my dorm, heart about to burst out of my chest.

It surprises me how deserted it is on the streets. There are no clocks around and I don't own a watch, so I don't know exactly what the time is, but I know it isn't actually that late at night. Nine O'clock, maybe ten, the sky just turned dark a lot earlier tonight because Winter's begun.

Christmas is only in a couple of weeks. Hogwarts will be breaking up for the holidays a week or so before then.

I haven't even thought about getting presents for anybody yet. I've been too focused on wondering what I'd get. Usually I receive some books from Albus in his true professor fashion, something about Quidditch or some magical creature or other. Father will get me some sweets from Honeydukes, a piece of jewellery and a bit of extra cash.

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