chapter 5

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I didn't sleep at all last night, I actually couldn't. I was thinking about what happend with Draco. I have't slept in so many days I can't even think straight. All of this seems so real it's actually scary.

"Class dismissed" says Snape. "exept you, miss Green" he continues as I expected. "I'll wait for you outside" says Bethany, giving me a quick hug, I smile at her and I walk towards professor Snape.

"Miss Green, I noticed you are not paying attention these days. You are already bad in my subject, the least. you could do is be concentrated. You're grades are starting to get lower and if you want to stay with us next year, you better start doing so." He sternly says. I'm a bit taken back by his words and I want to respond, but all I do is nod. "Miss Granger will tutor you. You can go now" he continues. He turns around making his black cloak swish a little. I walk out the door and immediantly see Beth waiting for me.

"Hey, are you okay? What happend?" she asks concerned "yeah, I'm okay. He just said that my grades are too low and that I need a tutor, Hermione." I say. "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sure you will have fun with Hermione" she says "yeah" I say smiling. "So..." she starts and "ugh come on, why won't you let this go" I say whining "because!" she exclaims "it was a big deal, Amber. You and Draco almost kissed!" she says lowering her voice at the last part "but we didn't" I say as we enter the great hall for lunch. We sit on our usual spots and wait for the food to appear on the table, as soon as it does we all start eating. I never get tired of eating, the food here is so good.

Bethany starts to chuckle and I give her a confused look. "what?" I ask with my mouth full of food and she laughs even more "I love it when you eat, it looks like you haven't touched food in weeks. Just like Ron, over there" she says smiling and pointing towards the gryffindor table. I swallow the food and look at Ron, he was gorging himself on food and craving for more. I can't help but smile. He notices us and waves with a wide smile on his face.

I continue to eat and talk to Bethany when my eyes catch Draco's. We are both staring at each other, so I give him a small smile, as soon as he notices he turnes his head to his friends and keep talking about god knows what. I didn't expect that, to be honest, but I just shove it off and finish lunch.


My last class ended a while ago and I started cleaning right away because I didn't want to waste time. Two hours were more than sufficient to clean this classroom. It's been one hour and Draco still hasn't shown up.

Where the hell is he?

I hear a knock on the door "finally" I say and turn around "Oh, good afternoon mrs. Umbridge" I say, surprised by her presence. "I came here to check if you were doing what told." she says smiling "where is mr Malfoy?" she asks confused.


I am going to kill Draco as soon as I see him. "He just went to the bathroom" I lie and put a fake smile on my face. "Why did you say 'finally' when I arrived here, then? Was he not here the entire time?" She asks "Oh no, he was here. I said it because... I just finished cleaning" I lie. "Alright, if he is not here when I come check tomorrow, you are both going to get in trouble, understand?" She says "yes" I say "yes, mrs Umbridge" she says for me to repeat. "Yes, mrs Umbridge" I say annoyed. "wonderful!" She smiles and walks away.

Bloody hell, that was close.

I gather my things and get out of the classroom. I walk down the hallways and find my way to the slytherin common room. I get in and go to my room to open the door.

"Oh my- holy- bloody hell, I am sooo sorry" I blurt out and cover my eyes as soon as I see Bethany on top of Ginny in her bed. "Shit" mumbles Bethany. "Ambeeer, hi bestieee" she says acting like I didn't just walk in on them hooking up. "Weren't you supposed to be in detention?" she asks "I was, but I finished early." I say with my eyes still covered. "You can open your eyes, silly. We're dressed now and we honestly don't mind. We have the same bodies, it's not anything we haven't already seen" she says chukling "right, sorry" I say "hi, Ginny" I say "hi, Amber" she says chuckling at my embarrassment. "It's fine you don't have to be embarrassed" she says and I smile. "So, are you going to let us finish or do you wanna join?" Says Bethany. Ginny takes a pillow and hits her on her head "stop it" she says "ouch, I was joking" she chuckles and rubs her head.

"I was actually going to read in front of the fireplace, so if you don't mind, I'm just going to grab my book and let you two finish whatever you started" I say and leave the room hearing the two of them giggling.
I'm truly happy for them, they are perfect for each other.

I go down the stairs and sit in front of the fire with my back against the sofa.

I see Ginny get out of the room and I smile widely at her. "Are you already going?" I ask "It's almost midnight, Amber. We fall asleep and I woke up in time to go back to my common room, my brother is probably going to kill me" she chuckles "It's midnight?! Holy shit, I swear I started reading 5 minutes ago" I laugh "I have to go now, see you" she says and gives me a hug "bye" I say and hug her back.

The common room is completely empty and I continue to read my book since I don't have anything else to do.
"Woah, you look terrible"

of course he had to come here

"that's very kind of you, Draco" I say keeping my eyes on the book, not even bothering to look at him. He starts to say something, but I interrupt him. "Why didn't you show up at detention today?" I ask. "None of your business" he coldy says "sorry to break it to you, but it actually is. I had to clean the entire classroom by myself, I had to cover up for you because mrs Umbridge showed up out of no where-" I say "Amber, listen-" he starts to say "no, you listen. Do you have any idea what kind of trouble you're going to get ourselves into if you don't show up at detention?" I say and he stays silent. "You can talk now" I say.
"Look, I'm sorry. I just- I-" he says and starts to stutter. "You what?" I ask.
"I just didn't want to make things more awkward than they already where, so I decided to ignore you." He blurts out. "Things are awkward only if we make them." I say and he nods "let's just forget about whatever happend and move on" I say and he agrees.

I go back to reading my book hoping he will go away, but instead he sits next to me. "For how long haven't you slept" he asks. "Is it that obvious?" I desperately ask "yeah, that's why I said you looked terrible" he says "thanks" I say. "Can I ask why haven't you slept?" he asks. At this point I don't know what to say. "I prefer to not talk about it" I say and give him a small smile. "Well then, I'll stay here with you" he says.

"No, you won't"

"Yes, I will"

"No, you won't"

"Yes, I will"

"No, you will not"


Hello guys! Thank you so much for reading, it means a lot to me.
I hope you liked this chapter.

Words: 1382

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