Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

***Zayn's POV***

It was barely 8:30 P.M, and It was already dark. My feet carried me down the street. I only had three months left. Three months until I was going back on tour, and what was I thinking about? That girl.. That dang girl! She talks way too much, but I liked it when she did. It was cute. Is that normal?

Is it normal to think something is 'cute'?

Let me rephrase that; Is it normal for a bad boy to think something is 'cute'?

I didn't think so..

I felt my back hit something hard. "Watch whe- OH MY GOSH! I'm so sorry! I-I didn't see you there. Uhm. Bye." The voice was sweet and soft like syurp. It obviously belonged to a girl. Then something clicked. I instantly knew who it belonged too. Carliey. Footsteps quickly made their way away from me as I got up. Carliey was running away from my location as thunder crashed in the distance.

There was a storm blowing in and everyone knew it was a bad one. "Carliey." I hollered after her. What was I doing? She ignored me. "Carliey!" I hollered again. Just turn around. Carliey slowed her pace until she was turned around and looking at me. Malik, you're the bad boy. Turn. Around.

"W-What?" she stuttered keeping her gaze off of me. "What do you want? You want to hurt me again?" I felt something in my chest snap. I've never felt something like that. Ever.

"Carliey I-"

"I knew it!" she shrieked. Carliey turned around and started running. You have two choices. Turn around and walk away or follow her.

I looked up and sighed. "Carliey!" I shouted. My feet started chasing after her. "Carliey I'm not going to hurt you! Will you stop running!" Rain slowly started to fall, making a cold chill make its way up my spine.

"Leave me alone!" Carliey screamed as she darted to the right quickly leading us off the pavement and into the park.

"Carliey! I'm not going to hurt you! I'm sorry for before." She didn't stop as she made her way through the empty park. No one was outside right now. Okay besides Carliey and I. But besides us no one else was. This storm was supposed to be dangerous. They predicted power outages, so they closed school. What was she doing out anyways?

"Leave me alone!" She yelled as I wrapped my arm around her waist protectively. "Get off of me! Don't hurt me!!"

I lightly spun her around so that she was facing me. Tears were rolling off her cheeks and her make-up was smeared. "I'm not going to hurt you." I whispered, looking into her eyes. They were blue, and very easy to get lost in. Her hair wasn't in the normal shape it's been in. It was starting to get drenched from the rain. Her glasses weren't on her face. Something must be wrong.

"How do I know you're going to keep that promise? I mean you're the bad boy of Bradford.." She replied not moving from the position she was in. She was shaking, but I couldn't tell if it was from the coldness or from fear.

"Just because I'm the Bradford Bad Boy doesn't mean I don't keep my promises!" I snapped. Her eyes widened and I closed my eyes. "Sorry." I whispered as thunder once again crashed, only louder this time. Carliey jumped out of my arms and I quickly took her hand in mine. "Come on. I'll take you home." She quickly shook her head.

"Please don't take me home.. I-I can't go back there.." she pleaded. "Please..." Her eyes held so much emotion, so much pain. Two days ago that emotion and that pain wasn't even there. It was no where in sight. What had caused Carliey so much pain? Was it me?

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