Tsukishima x Kageyama- And there was only one bed

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(A/N: I have been craving this ship for days so here we go. This is my comfort ship and just yes. Obligatory 'there was only one bed' story.)

Tsukishima does not like Kageyama. Whatsoever. There are no 'hidden feelings'. He does not secretly have a soft spot for Kageyama. The King is an irritating prick who'll take any chance to irritate the Tsukishima to the point that he wants to punch his hand through the nearest wall. He acts like he n do anything when really, he isn't that much better than any other setters they come across, and he gets intimidated so easily. He can't block well to save his life and he refuses to be kind to anyone. Even Tsukishima himself is at least nice to Yamaguchi, but the King isn't even kind to the stupid Shrimp.

Tsukishima would say he hates Kageyama, but for the one time where he'd said he hates someone one too many times and he'd made someone cry.

Tsukishima has made it more than clear that he hates Kageyama with every fibre of his being so why, pray tell, has the universe put him in this situation that's so uncomfortable it makes him want to crawl out of his skin and run screaming in the opposite direction?

If he had to put a genre on his life, Tsukishima would say 'Sports'. Or perhaps 'Slice of Life'. Maybe, even, at a stretch, 'Comedy' (the antics of Kageyama and Hinata and the second years are enough to make an excellent comedy program). Maybe he'd even go so far as to say 'Action'. But not 'Romance'. Never, in a million years, would Tsukishima say his life would come under the category, 'Romance'.

But of course, Kageyama has to mess everything up.

This has to be the cheesiest romance story ever.

There's only one bed.

"You've got to be kidding me," Kageyama groans, staring at the room that's big enough for two beds but only has one.

"I'm taking the bed. You can have the floor, King."

It's only the first night of Nationals and everything is already going wrong. Tsukishima dumps his things on the bed without waiting for a reply.

"How generous," Kageyama says sarcastically, but he doesn't argue, obviously just as uncomfortable with the situation as Tsukishima is.

How they even get out in the same room at all -and one with only one bed, no less- is a mystery to both of them. Tsukishima would much rather have shared a room with Yamaguchi, would maybe even have been willing to share the bed with his best friend, and there is no doubt Kageyama would have preferred staying with Hinata. The two are best friends after all, and there's no doubt in Tsukishima's mind that Hinata is the one Kageyama has a crush on.

Kageyama leaves to go complain to Daichi-san about the sleeping situation, presumably, and Tsukishima graciously takes the time to have his gay panic before the reason he's gay panicking returns.

Kageyama is not pretty. He isn't pretty when his head turns and the light hits his eyes just so, the angle forcing Tsukishima to acknowledge that Kageyama's eyes are the blue of calm skies and raging seas, and glitter with flecks of silver that should be allowed to exist. Kageyama isn't pretty when he smirks at Tsukishima, the corners of his lips pulling up in a way that makes Tsukishima want to bite his head off angrily and protect him lovingly at the same time. There's no way Kageyama is pretty when he congratulates himself quietly on yet another perfect set, and he smiles to himself and passes a hand through his hair that's somehow still perfect after a strenuous volleyball game.

Anyway, Tsukishima isn't allowed to like anyone just because they're pretty. He's into personality, and Kageyama certainly isn't kind in any way. He's nothing more than an asshole and an idiot.

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