A New Look = A Confused Baby

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   "Shh Mal you have to make no noise okay," Tessa told the baby as she very carefully placed Mal into her bag and left it open a tiny bit, so the baby could breathe. She knew it was not a good idea to do that, but she had no other choice and it's not like she would be gone too long.

Mal just nodded her little head in agreement as she started to play around with one of Tessa's hats that she left in the bag after finding that the baby enjoyed playing with the hat since she didn't have any toys or anything else.

Once Tessa was sure that the baby was situated safely she carefully made her way to her step family's suite to go serve them. "TESSA! I NEED YOU TO WATCH SPARKLES! WE ARE GOING OUT AND SOMEONE NEEDS TO TAKE CARE OF HER!" Divine screamed out in her loud obnoxious voice as soon as Tessa entered the suite making Tessa wince when she heard Mal start crying.

"Yes right away Divine!" Tessa quickly told her step mom silently praying that she was too preoccupied to notice Mal's cries. Unfortunately nothing good ever worked out for her as her step mom immediately got upset.

"UGH WHAT IS THAT ANNOYING SOUND!" Tessa's step mom screamed out, making the scared baby start crying louder causing Tessa to immediately start panicking as she tried to quickly come up with a reason.

"Oh that was just my new ringtone! I thought I had it on silent! My bad," Tessa told her step mom who just rolled her eyes. "WHATEVER JUST DON'T MAKE IT AGAIN! NOW TAKE CARE OF SPARKLES OR ELSE! NOW GIRLS WE'RE LEAVING LET'S GO NOW!" Divine screamed out as she threw her dead stuffed dog at Tessa and then took off with her two evil daughters.

Once Divine and her evil daughters were gone Tessa quickly made sure the door was locked as she quickly opened the bag and pulled the crying baby out. "Aw Mal I'm sorry. I forgot how loud and scary she can be. It's okay she's not here anymore," Tessa told the purple haired baby as she rocked her and hummed a little to calm the baby.

Tessa smiled when Mal calmed down as she started giggling listening to Tessa's humming. "Mow!" The tiny baby screamed out as she looked up at Tessa making Tessa laugh. "You want me to hum more?" Tessa playfully asked the baby who nodded and clapped her hands excitedly.

"Okay!" Tessa told the baby as she began to hum again making the baby giggle more. Tessa stopped though when she saw Mal start to reach for Sparkles as she knew the baby thought it was a toy and the last thing Tessa wanted was for the baby to play with a stuffed dead dog that her evil step mom believed was alive.

"Mal! No! That's not a toy! Trust me this thing is disgusting and wrong!" Tessa told the small girl as she immediately grabbed the stuffed dog away from the baby making Mal start sobbing as she wanted to play with it and her mouth was starting to hurt.

Tessa began to panic after that as she didn't know what to do. She didn't know too much about babies. "Mal hey it's okay. Come on we can get you a real toy," Tessa told the baby as she picked her up and quickly made sure the coast was clear before she made her way out of the suite with the baby.

Tessa froze when she saw so focused on Mal that she wasn't watching where she was going as she accidently ran into someone. "Oh my gosh I am so sorry!" Tessa screamed out, but the girl just laughed as she looked at Tessa.

"Hey Tessa," Georgie playfully told her friend, making Tessa smile when she realized it was just Georgie, the make up artist she had just met. "Georgie!" Tessa called out as she hugged the girl, making Georgie laugh as she hugged Tessa back.

"Tessa you never said you were a mom," Georgie told Tessa in shock when she noticed Tessa was holding a baby. Tessa just sighed as she was debating on whether she could trust Georgie.

Georgie seemed like a trustworthy girl, but she didn't trust easily. "Oh um... I'm not really it's complicated," Tessa told Georgie who just nodded not wanting to push Tessa into something she didn't want to talk about.

"Got it well she's adorable!" Georgie told Tessa who smiled as she looked at the now shy baby that was just clinging to her. "Yeah she is. Anyway I should go. I need to get a few baby stuff before my evil step family gets back," Tessa told Georgie, making Georgie laugh a little.

"Alright see you around and did you ever think about auditioning with my offer. It's still on the table," Georgie told Tessa, referring to her offer to change Tessa's appearance, so she could audition without her step mom finding out.

Tessa just sighed as she wanted to audition so badly, but she knew her step mom would never allow her and she had Mal now too. "Georgie I would love to, but my step family will never allow me and besides the auditions are in a few hours and what about Mal," Tessa told Georgie who smiled as she pulled Tessa to her work room.

"Okay Georgie what are you..." Tessa began, but Georgie just shushed her as she started grabbing makeup, wigs, new clothes, and color changing contacts. "We're gonna change your appearance," Georgie told Tessa who just held up the small baby.

"What about Mal! I promised to get her a toy," Tessa told Georgoe who smiled as she grabbed a clean makeup brush as she handed it to the baby who smiled as she started to chew on the end

"There that should keep her entertained! Now let's get started!" Georgie screamed out making Tessa worried as she didn't think that was safe for Mal to be chewing on but she couldn't really do anything about it as Georgie had already started giving her a makeover.

"And done! What do you think!" Georgie asked Tessa as she finished up her makeover letting Tessa see it. Tessa just looked at the mirror in shock as she could barely recognize herself.

"Oh wow this looks amazing! I can barely even recognize myself! Georgie your makeup brushes are like magic wands!" Tessa screamed out excitedly making Georgie laugh as she was proud of her work.

"Thank you! Oh but we should test it out on Mal!" Georgie told Tessa, making Tessa laugh as she tried to pick up Mal, but the baby just looked at her in shock not recognizing her as she started crying.

"Aw Mal it's okay! It's still me! I just changed my look a little. Aw please don't cry," Tessa told the baby trying to calm her down, but Mal just kept crying as she still didn't recognize Tessa and Tessa was the only one she trusted.

Georgie just smiled at the baby as she carefully removed Tessa's wig. "Look see Tessa is right here," Georgie told the small girl who stopped crying as she started laughing and crawled towards Tessa making Tessa laugh as she picked up Mal and Georgie put the wig back on her.

"Well I would definitely say it worked on Mal!" Tess jokingly told Georgie, making her laugh as she helped Tessa up. "Yeah so now you have to audition!" Georgie told her friend making Tessa sigh again as she still wasn't sure.

"I don't know I mean it worked on Mal, but she's a baby. What if it doesn't work the same way on other people," Tessa told Georgie who smiled as she got an idea.

"I got it! What if we just go for a little stroll in the hallway and if no one recognizes you then we'll know and this would work perfectly because your character could have a baby, so no one will question where you got Mal! Come on Tessa, follow your dreams!" Georgie told Tessa trying to convince her to take a risk.

Tessa just smiled as she decided to give in. "Alright fine! I'll give it a shot, but I'm still not sure about auditioning," Tessa told Georgie who just smiled again taking the small victory as she helped lead Tessa who was in disguise and Mal who Tessa was holding out into the hallway to show off Tessa's new persona. 

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