New Parent Mistakes

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   "Oh gosh! I left her in the car! I'm so bad at this parent stuff! What's wrong with me!" Tessa cried out in panic as she quickly ran back to her car and opened the door as she picked the sobbing and sweating baby up.

"Hey shh it's okay Mal. You're okay. I'm so sorry. I'm so horrible at being a mom. I'm so sorry," Tessa told the baby as she just held her close to her.

Tessa was feeling like she already failed at parenting and she had been looking after Mal for about less than a day.

The young baby stopped crying as she looked at Tessa, making Tessa smile a little. "Okay come on Mal let's get back. I have to get back before my step family notices I've been gone," Tessa told Mal who just looked at her in confusion as she didn't understand what Tessa was talking about.

She started crying though once Tessa had placed her back into her car seat as she wanted her mommy to hold her more. "No! Mama!" Mal cried out as she reached for Tessa again causing Tessa to sigh as she wanted to pick Mal up and just hold her, but she had to get back to the hotel before those monsters discovered she was gone.

"Aw I know sweetie. I know Mal, but I told you we have to get back now. It's not too far and then when we get back I'll hold you as long as you want okay," Tessa told the baby in her gentle voice trying to calm her down.

Mal just looked at Tessa as she continued to cry and reach for her as she didn't care. She just wanted her mommy anyway. "Okay um how about a pacifier," Tessa told the baby as she quickly went through the bags and pulled out one of the pacifiers she bought and placed it in Mal's mouth.

Tessa sighed in relief when the pacifier actually worked as Mal stopped crying and almost immediately fell asleep. Once Tessa was sure that Mal was situated and wasn't going to start crying again she carefully made her way to the driver's seat and drove back to the hotel.

Tessa was about to just get out when she remembered something important. Tessa doesn't have a baby, but her alter ego did and she didn't have any of the stuff that Georgie had to be the blonde haired British version of herself. "Okay don't panic Tessa. You can do this," Tessa told herself as she quickly just grabbed Mal's car seat and the baby stuff, deciding that she would just hurry it up and hopefully no one would notice her.

She was just the "assistant" anyway it's not like anyone except for her step family and the other crew members would ever really notice her and her step family was too busy with the auditions and worrying about their roles.

At least that's what Tessa was hoping for but as soon as she walked into the hotel she ran straight into her step mom making her freeze as she knew she was so dead.

"Tessa! There you are! We have to go back to the auditorium! They're giving an important announcement and we must be there!" Divine screamed out, making Tessa slowly nod as she was just relieved that Divine didn't seem to notice Mal.

"Yes of course right away Divine. I just have to drop off some stuff that I bought first and then I'll meet you there," Tessa told her step mom, just praying that she wouldn't notice Mal who was still sleeping in the car seat.

Divine just looked down as she looked at the baby stuff and the car seat that Tessa had. "Ugh Tessa don't you think you're a little too old for dolls," Divine told her step daughter in disgust making Tessa hide a smile as she realized Divine just thought Mal was a doll.

"Oh um yeah I just can't really explain it. I just felt a connection to her. I don't know why. I think it might be from what happened last year," Tessa told Divine sadly as she had been trying to just get her off her scent but now she really was starting to think about last year and that dreadful day of hers.

Divine just nodded as she faked sympathy. "Oh I know that was a tragic day for us all, but it's over and we're not going to dwell on the past. Now hurry it up," Divine told Tessa in her fake caring voice that Tessa hated even more than Divine's normal shrill.

Her fake caring voice was so passive aggressive and she hated it. Tessa just sighed as she nodded and quickly went back to her "room" where she placed down Mal's new stuff then unbuckled her.

"Hi sweetie," Tessa told the baby in her gentle voice as she picked her up and just held her close to her as she just started sobbing.

The more and more she was with Mal the more the memories were starting to come back. Tessa had been trying so hard to bury them away and forget it all, but now they were coming back stronger and stronger than ever and it was hurting again.

It didn't help that the more she was looking at Mal the more she was starting to see a resemblance to her. And the connection she was feeling around her was getting stronger.

Tessa stopped crying though when Mal woke up as she looked up and smiled at Tessa making Tessa smile as she couldn't resist the smiling baby. Her smile was contagious.

"Aw hi sleepyhead. Did you have a nice nap," Tessa playfully told the baby, making her giggle happily. "I'm taking that as a yes. Aw you're so cute," Tessa told the baby playfully again as she wiped her tears as suddenly all her earlier feelings of sadness were gone and now replaced with a happy and warm feeling.

Mal just giggled again making Tessa laugh before her phone went off snapping Tessa out of her happy little world as she looked at the caller id.

"Shoot! It's Divine! Ugh she's going to kill me! Come on Mal we gotta go now," Tessa quickly told the baby as she picked her up and grabbed a diaper bag before she froze again as the realization hit her yet again.

"Oh wait what am I going to do with you," Tessa told Mal as she remembered that she wasn't supposed to have a baby and Mal giggling and smiling would eliminate the thoughts of her just being a doll.

That worked last time because she was sleeping peacefully and Tessa had been hiding her. There was no way that was going to work this time though. Tessa groaned when she saw that her phone was blowing up with messages as she knew she was going to get it if she didn't leave now.

"Okay please work," Tessa told herself as she placed Mal back into the car seat and placed the pacifier back into her mouth as she remembered how that calmed Mal down before.

Then she covered the car seat with a blanket to hide Mal better. "Okay now you have to be really quiet, okay Mal. We can't get caught," Tessa told the baby who just looked at her in confusion, but nodded anyway making Tessa smile as she grabbed the car seat then left. 

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