A New Challenge

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  "Okay this is a bad idea. There is no way this is going to work," Tessa told Georgie, making the girl laugh a little as she took Mal from Tessa seeing her struggling to walk in the heels a little bit.

"Yes it will trust me. You look so different I promise you no one will even recognize you now come on," Georgie told Tessa trying to convince her friend to take a risk as Tessa was starting to get cold feet as soon as they got close to the lobby area for the auditions.

"I guess but Georgie my step family will recognize my voice and besides I really should get Mal some stuff because I have nothing for her right now and babies require a lot of supplies," Tessa told Georgie, making Georgie roll her eyes as she dragged Tessa out to the hallway anyway.

"Tessa it'll be fine. You can just disguise your voice and how about I take Mal to get some supplies for you," Georgie told Tessa who was about to respond when the two stage hands that Tessa had met yesterday walked by as they got a look at Tessa's new appearance and they immediately came over to talk to her and Georgie.

"Hey Georgie, who's your friend and whose baby is that," one of the stage hands asked the makeup artist making Tessa laugh as she looked at the boys. "You know who I am," Tessa began, but was interrupted by Georgie who wanted to help keep Tessa's identity secret even to two of their sorta friends.

"She's a guest Eddie and this is her daughter Mal. I'm just holding her for her," Georgie quickly told the boys, making them a little crushed as they realized that this "new" girl that they thought was cute was a mom and probably had a boyfriend.

"Oh so you're taken then," the stage hands told Tessa, making her laugh as she picked up Mal from Georgie. "Nope, I'm single right now it's just Mal and I," Tessa told the boys with a smile making the boys blush as they started rambling again before Tessa and Georgie walked off while laughing at the flirty and clueless boys.

"They didn't recognize me and I wore their coveralls before," Tessa told Georgie in amazement making Georgie laugh as she had no clue what Tessa was talking about, but she was taking it as a compliment on her work as it had definitely worked on tricking the boys.

"I don't know what that means but I'll take it as a compliment. Now you have to audition," Georgie told Tessa, making her sigh as she looked over at the audition area nervously.

"I don't know I mean my voice is way too recognizable and my step mom will recognize me right away. I swear it's so creepy," Tessa told her friend, making Georgie laugh as she looked at Tessa.

"Then disguise it here we are," Georgie told Tessa who looked over at everyone as she immediately felt even more nervous, but she tried to put on a confident look. "Okay I'm gonna go," Tessa told herself and Georgie as she continued to just stand there and not move at all making Georgie get a little frustrated as she practically pushed Tessa forward.

"Tess go," Georgie told her friend with a little bit of force, making Tessa nod as she finally walked over to the audition area leaving Georgie behind who was watching her while bouncing the small baby that was now crying and chewing on her tiny fingers.

"Aw it's okay. She'll be right back," Georgie told the baby trying to calm her down, but it didn't seem to be working as Mal just wanted Tessa. While Georgie was trying and failing at calming the screaming baby Tessa was nervously preparing for her audition and silently praying that her "family" wouldn't notice her.

Tessa completely froze in fear when she heard her step mom's conniving voice as she started walking towards her, making Tessa's heart start pounding fast as she almost forgot to breathe.

She knew her step mom would kill her if she discovered that it was her. "Are you a VIP guest I didn't see you at the brunch," Tessa heard her step mom say as she tried to stay calm knowing that her step mom was suspicious and she could get caught.

Tessa just looked down as she knew she needed to think fast and before she really knew what she was doing she was speaking in a british accent. "Um, the trolley broke," Tessa told her step mom quickly in a british accent trying to make up a quick excuse.

Tessa couldn't believe that she had done that, but she knew she had already said it and couldn't take it back now. "Yes. But it's a bloody shame that the trolley broke," Tessa told her step mom while still looking down not being able to look up at her.

Tessa's words just seemed to make Divine more angry as she knew she recognized Tessa from somewhere and it was killing her. "I know you from somewhere," Divine told Tessa in an accusatory tone making Tessa look down again as she pretended to act like she didn't know who Divine was while Divine walked around examining her.

"You even smell familiar!" Divine screamed out as she got way too close to Tessa making Tessa uncomfortable as she quickly pushed her way. "It's vanilla!" Tessa told her step mom right away as she started making up stuff which seemed to work as Divine seemed to be backing down.

Before Divine could drill Tessa more Georgie walked over to her as she couldn't calm the baby down and it was starting to worry her. Tessa smiled as she knew she could use this to her advantage as she reached out for Mal.

"Aw did you miss mommy. Well it was nice talking to you, but I should really tend to my baby!" Tessa told her step mom in her fake british accent as she balanced the baby on her hip and bounced her a little making Divine roll her eyes.

"Whatever. I got my eyes on you," Divine told Tessa with venom in her tone as she walked away to go deal with her daughters again making them "perfect" for their audition. Tessa just looked down again as she called out to Divine trying to help her act.

"Cheers! Lord save the Queen! In London where I'm from," Tessa rambled out in her fake british accent making Divine roll her eyes as she walked off giving up making Tessa sigh in relief as she smiled at the still crying baby.

"Oh that was close. Mal you saved me," Tessa told the baby who just kept crying as she clung to Tessa. "Aw Mal what's wrong," Tessa cooed out to the baby as she turned her attention to her as Georgie came by as well.

"I think she might be teething. I thought it was just that she wanted you, but now I'm thinking it's teething," Georgie told Tessa who nodded as she carefully pulled the crying baby's fingers out of her mouth so she could see inside the baby's mouth.

"Aw she is teething. Poor baby and oh no what am I supposed to do she's going to be really fussy now how am I supposed to keep her hidden from my step family when I'm me again," Tessa worried out to Georgie who just handed Tessa a cold wash cloth that she ran over some cold water.

"Here this should keep her occupied until you can get her a real teether to use and don't worry about that you can worry about that when you get to it. I'll see you after the auditions I have to get back to work bye Tessa and good luck I know you're gonna crush it," Georgie told Tessa as she quickly left to get back to her job as she knew she would get in trouble for slacking off again if she didn't leave now.

Once Georgie left Tessa just sighed as she stood off to the side and waited for her turn to audition as she kept herself busy with the teething baby.

"Aw I know Mal. It hurts I know, but it's okay. Here this is supposed to help you. I'm really sorry that I can't give you anything else, but I promise after this audition I'll take you to the store and get you some stuff to help you," Tessa told Mal as she placed the cold washcloth in the baby's mouth and sighed a little in relief when Mal seemed to calm down a little. She was still fussy, but she wasn't as fussy as before which was an improvement.

Tessa just sighed as she just knew that Mal's teething was going to make this so much harder on her, but she knew Mal couldn't help it. She just really wished that this hadn't happened when she was trying to hide a baby from pretty much everyone. 

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