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Hi everyone! I took a lot of time to edit this chapter and fix a lot of things that didn't sit right with me while reading it over. Further edits may happen depending on your opinions but this chapter is heavily centered around Oikawa's feelings and so it will be a bit like the last but there will be more dialogue.  

Please, enjoy this chapter and if you have any questions do not be afraid to ask. There are still a lot of mistakes in the chapter so please ignore them as I will fix them when I  find the time to do so :)


What exactly was love? Many say it is when two people have strong feelings for one another to the point where they would sacrifice themselves to keep the other out of danger. What a load of malarkey. Love was a stupid joke for people who relied on others. Oikawa sat in the chief of surgery's office spinning his body around in the cushioned chair. Why was he having to wait on the idiot in the first place? Shouldn't that dote get here before Oikawa did? He was the one who invited him in the first place so it was a bit unprofessional to be late to the meeting he had originally set up.

Oikawa casually blew raspberries as he ignored the chimes coming from the trash can under Kuroo's desk. His brown eyes remained focused on the horrid décor surrounding him as he tried to push his worries to the back of his mind. The walls were littered with Kuroo's certificates and degrees for the medical field like any other doctor's office but on his bookshelves outside of the standard medical books were little cat figurines. He had one of every color and many had dynamic poses as if they were fighting or getting ready to pounce on another one. The guy was an eighty-year-old cat mom stuck in a thirty-one-year-old's body. Oikawa scrunched his face up at the desktop background of Kuroo's computer as he spun by. The onyx-haired man was at a cat café with his assistant Kenma holding cats while smiling. Kenma wasn't having the best of days but Kuroo's excitement is what stole the attention from anyone who looked at the photo anyways.

The office door squeaked open as the tall man step inside running a hand through his black hair, "Sorry for coming in so late I got caught up with talking to an unhappy family in the waiting room," Kuroo stopped just a few feet inside his office and gave Oikawa a befuddled look. "Why are you in my chair, Tooru?"

Oikawa slapped his hand onto the Cherrywood desk and rolled his eyes, "Does it matter? It's technically my chair," Oikawa crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back into Kuroo's office chair raising one of his brows, "Why did you even want to see me?"

Ding. Ding.

Kuroo's golden colored eyes glanced down to the trashcan visible beneath his desk. "Why did you take it off silent?" He asked his friend as he seated himself in the chair across from Oikawa.

"I broke the volume button when I threw it at the wall in the bathroom, not that it even matters really. Now, back to my question," Oikawa picked a pen up from Kuroo's desk and placed it under his nose so that his top lip held it up. "Why did you need to meet with me?"

Kuroo shrugged and placed the heels of his shoes up onto the desk and slid his phone out of his pocket to skim through social media. "Iwaizumi Hajime; you recommended him to me while I was trying to find a replacement neurosurgeon and I just wanted to know what exactly it was that you saw in him."

Oikawa lost his focus upon the mentioning of Iwaizumi's name. The little red and white pen tumbled off of his chin as his lip relaxed making an audible clack against the desk below. "I saw potential in him. Potential we haven't seen in any of our interns or residents in a while. Y'know, they're all really bland and boring outside of the attendings because they're all such people pleasers!" Oikawa stuck his tongue out and rolled his eyes a bit.

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