Dementor, Dementor

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The ride to the station was quite different this time. His mother and father had both come this time, and to Draco's surprise didn't have anything to say about the coming year. Lucius did subtly bad mouth Potter, however, it was barely noticeable. In a way, it almost made Draco mad.

When they reached King's Cross, Draco told them he would be fine entering the platform on his own. At first, his mother rebutted his statement, insisting she come, however, Lucius pulled her back and agreed. Draco hugged his mother tightly and allowed her to decide when to let go.

"I'll miss you terribly Draco, be good."

Draco nodded and turned towards his father who stuck out his hand. He wanted to hesitate, to deny the handshake from his father he had longed for so long; However, Draco shook his father's hand with a strong grip. Lucius nodded with approval and walked back to Narcissa who was waiting by the car.

With a deep breath, Draco walked into the station pushing his trolly like had for the past two years. As he approached platforms 9 and 10 the smile on his face grew. He was a different person, felt like a different person and he wasn't going to allow any bloody person in this school tell him differently. So with no stalling, he closed his eyes and sprinted into the magical platform.

As he opened his eyes and admired the scarlet train that has been in his dreams since he left school. Quickly he pushed his trolly up with the others and boarded the train. He couldn't care less about all these other children who were still saying goodbye to their parents with tears in their eyes. Draco rolled his eyes as he eyed what looked like to be a boy in his year hugging his mother goodbye. He almost felt his pride increase as he wondered if this is how Krum felt. Once again he thought back to Krum's independence and overall manliness as he could do anything and be praised for it. Krum didn't have time to have these sappy moments with his parents. Draco puffed his chest and set out looking for his friends.

"You are so stupid!"

"And why is that? I'm not the one who forgot the spell for LEVITATION!"


Draco entered the compartment to see Blaise and Pansy in a heated debate about whether Merlin knows what. Their shouting ceased as they spotted Draco in the door.

"Oh hello Mr.Malfoy," Blaise smirked, making room for Draco to sit. Pansy rolled her eyes. "Hello, Draco,"

"I can see you two have been catching up,"

"Hardly, Blaise is just being a pain," Pansy groaned crossing her arms. She looked different. Her hair was cut shorter and her signature nose seemed a little less noticeable. Though when she scrunched up her nose to make faces at Blaise she looked like the same old Pansy he remembered.

"Where's Theo and Crabbe and Goyle?" Draco asked, reaching for his bag to pull out a book.

"Looking for the Trolly lady," Blaise sighed, shaking his head in disappointment.

"I thought she's only out once we've left King's Cross.."

"Yea. She is,"

"Well glad to see not a lot has changed," Draco laughed as he looked at the window to see the smoke of the train coat the platform. The horn blew and just like that, they were on their way back home.

A half-hour later, Theo, Crabbe, and Goyle returned with a handful of sweets and the biggest grins.

"I know you thought we wouldn't succeed, but me and the lads did it!" Theo pumped his fist in the air and then took a bite of a licorice wand. Crabbe and Goyle both gave a hearty laugh and took seats across from Draco. Crabbe sat especially close to Pansy and Theo close to Blaise.

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