Me and My Big Strong Human (Part 2)

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We went on many adventures, we stayed together as partners for a few years and now I am finally 1800 (Dragon years are 1 human year = 1000 years, so Bakugo isn't dead). 

I wish Suki was more open. Maybe if I am more open, he will be more open too. 

We have been walking for a while and my legs started to hurt as a human. I turned into my dragon form so my wings would fly so my legs could rest. I slightly hovered over the ground below.

After even longer, both hurt too much, I then turned into my human form and hit the ground softly. I layed there and Bakugo then realized I was down.

"Get up, there is no time for napping." 

"I can't." I muttered softly as I tried to move my limbs.

"Bull shit, I know you can move."

"Suki..." I said as I was still trying to get up, I pushed myself to try to get up, but nothing.

"Then I will leave you here." Bakugo then turned around about to leave.

"Suki, WA-" Before I could finish the sentence something hit the ground hard, sending dirt everywhere. I tried to get up, but still nothing. I didn't care about my wings or legs, but Suki had to be okay.

I looked around trying to find my human. I finally spotted him, and he was fine, just investigating what had happened.

I looked at the object and it was some sort of rock. More like a meteor than a rock, though.

I tried to get up, still not being able to move anything.

I look up and see a man standing before me. He reached his hand, coming so close to my face. 

I coware, then looking away, as if he could disappear, just like that. When I had looked back up, he was gone. It was definetly my imagination.

Or maybe not.

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