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He took his hand and guided him into the deep blue water, where they were ankle deep in the cool liquid.

Kirishima let go of Bakugo's hand and walked further into the water. He let his hands touch the water slowly and then he brought them up quickly.

The person of red hunched into the water feeling it with his entire wrist. Then without warning he swung his arm with water rushing to the blonde.

The red had just made a grave mistake. The blonde went further in the water after the other and kept swinging his arms like a mad man to try and splash the other male. The red kept trudging away from the feisty blonde until he tripped over his own feet, faceplanting into the water.

The blonde had a big evil grin on his face as when the red slowly came up from the water, he was met with a big storm of it.

The blonde then, unsatisfied with his revenge, readied his hands to make an explosion into the water. The red realized what the blonde was thinking and begged him to not do it.

The blonde who was fed up with the red decided against tje pleading protests and then boom.

Huge watery explosion making a huge wave in the water heading for the Red.

The Red was about to run but then
he was slightly too late. The water crashed on him and pulled the boy under it.

He popped back to the surface a couple seconds later and smiled at his love.

The blonde then wished this moment could last forever.

BakuShima/BakuKiri One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now