Chapter 16

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Walking out of detention, Foster slowly slipped his hand into mine walking up next to me. I looked up at him and find that he was smirking down at me but it turned into a smile before my eyes.

"Ready to get some food?" Foster asked me casually as he pulled me down the school hallways, walking directly to the parking lot this time.

"Oh, were not going to walk around the entire school this time?" I teased. All Foster did was shake his head, not bothering to comment on my lame attempt at messing with him.

As we got closer to the front of school, I yanked back on Foster. Stopping him before he turned the corner that led directly to the parking lot.

As I pulled him back, he looked down at me with a weird expression, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Wait, I only told Jess we kissed in the bathroom. If she sees us holding hands that's mean way more than a kiss happened. I don't want her to think I lied to her—"

"You're not lying to her. We did kiss, did we not?" Foster cut off my rant with his question, leaning closer to me, smirking. His eyes glanced at my lips once. The action somewhat threw off my mental processes.

"I mean, she doesn't know we like each other... we'll she's pretty perceptive, so I assume she can notice it." I blushed slightly, and looked away from his unreadable expression, "but she doesn't know a lot, like us pranking and teasing each other. Or how many times we have already kissed... Foster, I'll tell her about us but I don't want her to think I'm not being a good friend. She deserves better than that."

"Are you sure you didn't tell her for the same reasons you didn't tell your dad about me?" Foster asked me suddenly, which caught me off guard. He breathed out, letting go of my hand and stepping back from me.

"No... that was because my dad doesn't like me around boys in the first place. Image if I had said, 'Dad, I totally met this guy today and I really like him. Even though, since I've known him he's broken into our house and stole our blinds, but that's only because I've already seen him half-naked. I got groped by someone that hates him and I am also involved in a potential fight because it. And even though, he messes with me and kisses me unexpectedly, it's okay because I have so much fun with him in detention.' I highly doubt my dad would be relieved if I told him that." I gave Foster a meaningful look.

Though when my dad asked about the people I've met, Foster had only at the time broken into my house and pranked me twice. He was also sweet to me... walking me home, saving my butt with the detention slip, and simply has always been looking out for me.

"Okay, I get it." He said upset with me or more with what I had said, it was obvious and I suddenly felt guilty for being so honest. As he turned away from me, I grabbed his hand one more time, and pulled him back to me.

I lifted myself onto my tiptoes so his eyes were forced to meet mine, "Sorry, if I was too harsh. I didn't mean it that way. It's just that that's all my dad would've heard and thought. You're a lot more than some trouble maker that causes problems. You're a good person deep down... and my dad knows that, even if your logic is a bit messed up." I shrugged my shoulder thinking about his problem with people worrying about him.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Foster asked a bit peeved and on the defense.

"You have an issue with letting others look out for you. It probably has more to do with growing up in foster care and having to always rely on yourself." I said matter-of-factly. Foster gave me a look like he wasn't amused but a least not angry.

"You sound like my damn psychologist, Maggot." He shook his head once, before smirking at me. I felt his hand let go of mine, to run up my arm until his hand cupped my jaw and his thumb rubbed my cheek tenderly.

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