Chapter 22

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Almost home from meeting Foster's mom, we sat in the car in silence. This time Foster got shotgun so he could sit up front with his brother. Meaning that I couldn't read what kind of mood he was in...What was he thinking?

There were so many questions I wanted to ask him.

For one, I wanted to ask him how he felt about everything he just heard today. But also I wanted to know why he didn't answer his mom when she asked him to think about living with her.

While I stared at the back of Foster's head, completely in mid-thought, Michael lurches the car to a stop and turned it off. The overhead lights above us illuminated the car interior, slightly blinding me.

Jess put her hand on the car door handle to get out, although paused. No one in the front seat was moving, obviously not planning to leave the car anytime soon. So she slowly took her hand away from the handle, giving me a questionable look about what the two were doing but hell if I knew.

"Foster..." Michael started calmly, as if leading to a bigger issue he was about to say but Foster suddenly speaks.

"I'm going to stay with Maggie for a bit. If that's alright with Maggie?" He turned around in the front seat to ask me, but I just looked at him, trying to read his expression, trying to figure out what he wanted. Foster wasn't giving me too much to go off of.

After a couple of seconds, I nodded my head that it would be okay with me. Even though, I wasn't too sure I would be alright. I mean we haven't been alone, or by ourselves completely, since our fight in my room.

Michael gazed landed on me and he saw that I wasn't protesting. So he agreed, "Okay." He nodded once before looking over at Jess, who was calmly watching all of us just a moment ago. "You know it's only eight o'clock... on a Friday night, I bet we could find a movie to watch." Michael offered with his signature smile.

"Su...Sure." Jess nodded her head once, and stuttered slightly..

The loud noise of car door opening pulled my attention away from the two. Looking up, I saw Foster get out of the car and I quickly followed suit. Stepping out into the cold air, I almost shivered. So I quickly wrap my arms around myself to stop that for happening. Looking over at Foster, I saw he held the passenger door open for Jess to take the front seat again and when she does he shut the door.

We both step back from the car but Foster walked over to my side of the car and stood next to me. I noticed right away that the cold wasn't affecting him at all. As he only shoved his hands into the front pockets of his jeans to keep himself warm.

Right before Michael left, I caught a glimpse of the look of distrust he was giving Foster, but Foster turned away, utterly shutting him out. Shaking his head once, Michael drove away.

I unconsciously watched the tail lights of the car and cringed slightly.

And at any other moment, I would be jumping for joy at the fact Jess was being taken out by Michael right now but I couldn't help but feel concerned for what was going to happen.

Raising my eyes to Foster and I flinch when I saw him look down at me in the exact same moment.

"What?" I asked him quietly, suddenly feeling like the first time we met.

"You're cold. Do you want to go inside?" He asked me, yet doesn't wait for my reply and started walking straight up my driveway. Expecting that I would follow him blindly into my house. Pausing, I noticed right way that my dad's car wasn't in the driveway, only my own.

"Wait, why my house!?" I walked after him, but he just shrugged and doesn't falter as he continued up my front porch. He waited for me next to the front door to catch up. As I got next to him he immediately held his hand out to me. A gesture I have seen before from him.

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