Chapter 24

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It's been a few weeks since I've sent Kendyl off and I haven't heard a word.

Johnny boy is losing his mind, all he's been doing is working out and punch the punch bag wishing it was me.

The kids have been kids just playing around not really knowing what's going on expect for Liam.

"Mom" Liam comes into my office as I'm sitting at my desk.

"Sí" I say just looking at the papers in front of me that I've been looking at for a few hours now.

"Anything?" I shake my head as I stand from my desk "Do you think they killed her?" He asks with a worried look.

"No, they would have already sent her body to me" I say while walking towards him "Don't worry about it bambino, we will here from her soon" I leave my office and make my way to the living room.

Gio has been going to the gym with Johnny boy so that Johnny boy doesn't work himself to death.

I walk in and I see Gio sitting on the couch watching a football game.

"Niente?" Gio asks and I sit down beside him.


"Sí" I say back a little bit irritated.

"It's been weeks Silva" Johnny boy says with angry behind each word.

I try to keep myself calm as he takes out his angry on me.

"She's probably dead already and we are just sitting ducks about to die, you're only doing this for yourself, you selfish bitch" that's it I had it.

I get up and walk over to him and punch him square in the face "You don't think I fucking know she's been gone for 21 fucking days" I scream at him as tries to recover from me punching him.

"I fucking know Jonathan, you think I wanted to do this, that I wanted to fucking send her over there" I scream louder as he keeps his head down "I wouldn't have fucking scent her over there if I thought she was going to fucking die" I step back as Gio is now between us "You think you're the only one hurting, I lost my fucking husband, the love of my life and I'm barely holding on, if you think for one fucking second that I'm being selfish then go in there and save the day, get yourself killed, like I care"

I turn around and walk back to my office as Liam looks a bit surprised at my tone.

I never have really yelled at my kids because they are slightly terrified of me but still I've never really screamed at them.

I go into my office and slam the door behind me.

I sit down at myself desk and breath.

I'm usually a lot more out together then this.

I hear a phone vibrate from my desk.

I frown slightly as I pull out the phone from one of the drawers.

'Silva, he doesn't know where you are and he's pissed about it, I gave him the wrong area of where you are, he doesn't think I'm working with you'

One text came through then another.

'Dax says that he's trying to protect you from him, he says that he didn't actually cheat on you, he did it so it would look convincing, he's really sorry'

I felt tears wanting to come out.

'We are in Bell town Italy, he said that there's something significant there anyways tell Johnny boy I'm fine and that I love him'

My heart stopped at Bell town.


I call him immediately.

2 rings.

I swear if this goes to voicemail.

"Silva?" He answers and I swear I thought I was going to have a heart attack.

"Get your family out of there, they know, I have someone working on the inside, come meet me at the safe house here, let everyone know" I end the call and text him the address.

I hear a knock on the door and Johnny boy comes in sporting a bruise on his jaw.

"I'm sorry about what I said" he says sitting down in front of my desk "if you want to"

"Shut the fuck up" I say and I see him lift his head up a bit shocked "We argue it's what family do, now we need to get ready for family to come in town because your girl pulled it off"

I see a smile spread on Johnny boys face "Really?" I hand him the phone and he looks at the messages with a smile "She loves me" he says softly.

"Yep so don't fuck it up" I stand from by desk and walk away letting Johnny boy soak it in.

"You made up quick" Gio says as Liam and him are watching the game.

"Get ready" I say and I see Gio look over at me "Family is coming" I say with a smile and he grins.

"Hell yeah" Gio says and I see Liam look at us like we are crazy.

"What do you mean family is coming?" Liam asks very confused.

I just smile as I hear cars starting to pull in.


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