Chapter 7

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"WAIT- argh...." Rider put his hands on his face and groaned. He then decided to try and ignore Aloha by attempting to put the first aid kit back, using the same method as before.
"Hm?" Aloha looked at Rider. "Well well, you sure are strong, ain't chya'~! But your moves are irritating~"
Clearly Rider was struggling.
"Why don't I help you out~?" Aloha started to make his way closer to Rider.

"Get away from me," Rider mumbled, stumbling a bit.
"Not gonna admit ya need my help? And what, you gonna ask that blue haired freak that you need his help instead~? OOP-" Aloha covered his mouth, grinning.
"The only freak here is you, cut it out." Rider snapped, trying his hardest to put the kit away.
"Freak~? Oh! You mean that face of yours~?" Aloha quickly grabbed the medical kit from Rider, causing him to lose his balance. "You're right!!"

Rider grabbed onto the wall to prevent himself from falling over. "What's your problem?! What did I ever do to you?!"
"Y'know, you took something from me." Aloha got up really close to Rider, who was helplessly trying to hold on.
"I was about to have my big moment. I was gonna shine above everyone else~! But then, You. Stood. In. My. Way. So I figured it was only fair if I stood in yours~" he winked.
"WHAT?! YOU MAKE NO SENSE...!! You're one of the S4, be grateful for cod's sake..!!"
"You think I give a damn to be in a group with a bunch of low brainers who can't even lev up? You ain't even gettin' the full picture yet. They are no where close to me~ Not to mention that little ridiculous small fry. Everything changed because of that day." Aloha looked away.
"I thought you partied with him, you guys seemed to get along. Didn't you learn a lesson from him? Shouldn't that have changed you in a good way?"
"It's changed me in a lot of ways. Almost everywhere I turn, I can't escape him. Neither can I escape you! You two are always together huh~? Do you gotta thing for 'em?" Aloha tilted his head.

"Tch. He's my friend," Rider said, partially avoiding the question, "of course I hang out with him!!"
"PFFFT YOU HAVE FRIENDS??" Aloha laughed. "Someone like you?? You must've been pretty desperate to have friends~ And now you're 'friends' with that blue haired idiot?? HAHAHA-" he dropped his guard. Rider punched him in the gut to get him away and regained his balance.
"You sure like the sound of your own voice. I'm surprised you have any friends, too... You're being a jerk."
"GAH-" Aloha lost his air. He bent over, placing a hand on his stomach.
"C-C-Cause I'm the freshest squid on the block~" If he really is a narcissist, then he doesn't show this side of him to anyone.

"Why do you care so much? Aloha, I think we have two different definitions of 'fresh'."
"Clearly~! Oh well, even if you don't think so, I have thousands of people who think otherwise!!" Including all his online friends. "Who do ya think they're gonna believe~? Me, or you." he said with a smug look. It was an obvious answer.
"Believe about WHAT-?!" Rider was getting scared now.
"You really are dumber than you look~" Aloha jumped up, placed two fingers under Rider's chin and made him look up at him. "You're far weaker than me~ You will never be able to surpass me~ You can't even reach my level~!! Not with that blue haired idiot anyways. And I'm gonna make sure of that~" he winked.
Rider flicked him in the nose and snatched his phone from his pocket, holding it as if he were about to snap it in half. "You won't have anybody to tell. You've gone mad."
"Tch- ...ever since that day...everything's changed...why couldn't it've been different? Losing to that piece of carp. Dammit-" Aloha bit his tongue, mumbling to himself. "You guys have caused me more pain than you ever knew. It's all your fault!!" He forcefully took back his phone from Rider.

"Starting the day you came to Inkopolis Plaza, at the beginning of the Coro Coro cup.."
"Tch- Can't you just let that go? Move on!! You're acting like a child..!!"
"YOU'RE THE CHILD!! I DON'T WANNA HEAR ANOTHER WORD FROM YOU!!" Aloha cried. He totally lost more than his cool. 'IF ONLY RIDER DIDN'T WAKE UP-'

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