Chapter One - F-ed Up Changes

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Do you ever wake up and feel...different? Do you ever feel like you're thinner? Or fatter? Or shorter? Or taller? More confidant? Less confidant? Happier? Sadder?

No one knows for sure what the morning brings. But there are those days when just as the sun rises you don't feel like yourself. Sometimes it's for the better. Sometimes it's for the worse. Sometimes it's minor and sometimes it's extreme. All you know is that you feel different.

This happened to me. I woke up shorter and thinner. Except not just shorter and thinner.

I woke up a different gender.


My alarm beeped away next to me. I rolled over and slapped it, my hand mometarily stinging from hitting the hard plastic. The snooze button went down and it stopped the annoying beep. I peeled open my eyes. It was 7 a.m. Why did I have to be up this early again?

Oh right.

Interviews today. Seven of them. Three radio interviews and four of them on television. The crazy hustle and bustle of famous life, yeah?

I sat up, noting my shirt feeling a bit tighter around my chest. Some long blond hair fell down over my shoulder. I turned and flicked it off, more hair falling on my right shoulder. I began to slightly panick, but I didn't look down yet. I closed my eyes tight, and then tilted my head down. I slowly peeked open my right eye and looked straight down my shirt.

I screamed.

It scared me even more when my scream was high-pitched. I jumped up from my bed and tripped over my blankets and face-planted on the floor. I didn't care about the carpet-burn on my cheek and I just stood up quickly. I sprinted to my bathroom.

I screamed.

I. Am. A. Girl.


I have a...

I don't have a...

I'm a girl.

I still had a man's mind, so I brought my hands up to my chest. I wish they weren't mine because they were pretty nice. I then dropped down to my pajama pants and lifted forward my waistband.


I screamed.


"What?! What?! Who's hurt!?" Liam ran into the room, caught one glance at me and screamed. Except his was a man's scream. "WHO ARE YOU?!" He yelled, not ficiously, but terrified.

"NIALL! I'M NIALL I SWEAR!" I said back.

"OBVIOUSLY NOT! YOU ARE A GIRL." Liam replied. "HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE. WHERE IS NIALL. DID YOU EAT HIM?!" Liam screamed. He's always dilusional in the mornings. I shook my head.

"Dude! It's me! I'm Niall!" I said, my tone dropped. He eyed me suspiciously.

"When's my birthday?" He questioned.

"August 29, 1993."


"Then why'd you ask it?" I retorted. Liam shut his mouth for a minute.

"What did 'Niall'-" He threw hand gestured quotations when he said my name. "-say in my ear when we performed at Madison Square Garden?"

"Mate look at this. Look at where we are. We've made it. Dude, we've made it." I quoted. Liam looked stunned but still not entirely convinced.

"What is my favorite food?" He asked next. I sighed.


"Aha! It's a tri-"

I Woke Up As A...GIRL?! (One Direction)Where stories live. Discover now