Chapter 2 - At the Drive-In

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The cool breeze of the night painted your cheeks in a light red color as you walked through the town, cursing yourself for not wearing a heavier cardigan. Though you had your license already, your mom had told you not to drive since you weren't familiar with the town yet. You wondered how on earth you'd be able to manage in a drive-in theater without a car, but you'd make it work. This would be a great way to meet more people your age and hopefully make some friends. 

After about half an hour of walking, you finally saw the big screen in the distance. It was already lit up and playing the movie, so you quickened your pace in hopes of not missing much. As you approached the entrance, your heart dropped.

"VEHICLE ONLY." Read the sign overhead. You heaved a sigh of frustration and began to walk away when one of the cars leading up to the entrance honked at you. 

"Hey, you," a boy's slurred voice called from a nearby Corvair. You looked around for a moment before stepping towards the vehicle apprehensively.

"What are you doin' out here all alone, girl?" The boy went on. It was difficult to picture his face in the dark setting, but you could make out his red hair and unsettling smirk.

"Knock it off, Bob," a girl called out from the backseat of the car, clearly annoyed. 

"Now, now, settle down," Bob laughed lazily before turning his attention back to you. "You can't get in without a car... wanna ride with us?"

You thought for a moment before accepting his offer reluctantly, knowing that this would most likely be your only chance to get in. 

"Uhhh, the seating's a little tight but you should be able to fit next to Cherry here," Bob said, pointing behind him. Cherry was sitting next to another girl with dark hair and a kind face. 

"Cmon Cherry, open the door for... uh... what's your name?" Bob slurred, clearly losing his patience. 

"Y/n," you said quietly.

"You can't just offer rides to random girls, Bob," Cherry practically yelled back, sinking into her chair.

"You know what, I think I'll actually pass up on the offer," you said, trying to avoid the conflict that you had sparked.

"Everybody calm down," a new voice chimed in. I looked to see a boy sitting next to Bob, curly black hair nearly covering his eyes. He got out of his seat and walked over to me, opening Cherry's door in the process. 

"Thanks," you said, smiling slightly. He returned the gesture and got back into his seat without a word.

"Good man, Randy," Bob joked to the boy as you entered. You were instantly hit with the strong smell of liquor and shielded your nose subtly. 

"I know it smells terrible in here. You'll get used to it after a few minutes, though," Cherry whispered when she caught sight of your guarded nose. You smiled politely and looked out of the car's window, eager to get out. As Bob pulled through the entrance, you scanned the lot. Behind the spots designated for the vehicles, there were several rows of chairs lining the fence that enclosed the theatre. You planned to go and sit in one of those as soon as Bob found a parking spot. 

Suddenly, your eye was caught by a flash of movement on the left side of the lot. The fence was rattling subtly and your jaw dropped as you recognized Dallas shimmying his way through a gap between the fence and the ground. Johnny and Pony followed him shortly and they began to walk your way. You had been so distracted by their appearance that you hardly noticed what was going on in your car. 

"What do you think you're doing?" Cherry's once-again annoyed voice exclaimed as she motioned for the girl next to her to open the car door. Bob was leaning towards Cherry with his bottle of liquor in hand, and it was soon clear that he was trying to pressure her into drinking it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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