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-past-|first year|

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|first year|

Today was the first day of Karmen's first year at Hogwarts. Her father was only the one to see her off, her mother not even bothering to show up, but she didn't care. She would finally get away from that hell hole. The only good things about her home was her father and the house elf, Polly. But now, Hogwarts was her home. And she couldn't wait.

The young girl gave her father a quick kiss on the cheek and a small hug before grabbing her bag and departing towards the large black train with red accents. Platform 9 3/4 was full of new students, older ones, and parents waiting to wave their children off. It was quite exciting.

As Karmen gazed at the large train, she failed to noticed a messy haired boy right next to her. She continued walking, keeping her eyes on the black mobile only to be knocked down by someone. Her bag hit the ground and she almost went with it but someone caught her before she could hit the floor.

Looking up, she saw a boy about her age messy black hair that looked like it couldn't be tamed, thin round glasses that sat on the bridge of his nose and large blue eyes that stared down at her with a gleam she couldn't place. He was actually pretty cute.

James stared down at the girl and everything stopped around him. Her dark brown hair was large and curly, falling just pass her shoulders, big dark green eyes and naturally dark tan skin. As he studied her, he noticed light freckles that traced over her nose.

Noticing that she was looking back at him and that he had been like this for far to long, he quickly stood and let go of her so she was standing to. He grabbed her bag that fell to the ground and held it out to her. Karmen looked at him for a second, noticing his awkward behavior and stiff posture but didn't say anything about it.

"Uhh...thanks." She grabbed her bag from him, their fingers brushing slightly before she walked over to the train as a whistle blew. What she didn't noticing was the smitten look the boy was looking at her with and a smile before he was called over by his new friend.

Karmen walked down the narrow hallway of the train and, thankfully, found an empty compartment. It wasn't that she didn't like people, even though liked was a strong word, she was just didn't have the energy to deal with too many people at once.

She sat down with her back to the wall, her front facing the compartment door, with her book in her lap as she began reading. It was only about 15 minutes before someone opened the door. It was a girl with bright red hair and vibrant green eyes that looked at her.

"Hey, do you mind if I stay here for the trip? Most of the others are full." The redhead girl said with a small smile. In her mind, Karmen weighted the pros and cons before returning the girls smile as she nodded.

The new girls smile brightens as she sat down. "I'm Lily by the way. Lily Evans."

"I'm Karmen Thorne. It's nice to meet you." Despite her resting bitch face, Karmen was nervous around new people but nobody could even tell.

Lily had ended up getting out her own book as Karmen began eating her candy she got when the trolley witch came by. They stayed like this for a while, the dark haired girl offering her new friend some of her candies while Lily offered to let Karmen read her book after her. But then this happened.

The dark brown door flung open and two girls ran in and slammed the door shut. Both Lily and Karmen looked at the two in shock and both didn't move as they were waiting for something to happen. One of them, the taller of the two, had long blonde hair and big blue eyes. The other was the opposite with short brown hair and small bangs that covered her forehead. They were both panting before they, finally, noticed Karmen and Lily.

The blonde chuckled and said, "Hey, I'm Marlene McKinnon." She held out her hands, one to each girl, for them to shake. Once they did she sat down and playing with the paint on her finger nails.

The shorter, and obviously the shyer of the two, walked forward and said, "I'm-I'm Alice. It's nice to meet you too."

To this day, they still don't know what Marlene and Alice were running from.


"We should form a club." Marlene said out of the blue as all four of them walked off the Hogwarts Express. They had all gotten into their school uniforms and were now heading towards the lake but they stayed a far seats in the back so they could talk without others hearing.

Lily turned her head to Marlene and gave her a confused look as she asked, "What?"

"A sisterhood." The blonde girl said as she finally turned her head to look at the other three.

"Now what do we do?" Alice asked softly from beside Karmen, who had Lily on her other side and Marlene next to Lily.

"We change the world!" Marlene said excitedly as she smiled and threw her arms out to her sides.

"Oh good, something simple." Karmen said sarcastically but still had a small smile on her friends. Her first day and she already had four new friends. Wow.


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