I look tommy in the eyes and sigh.
It has been a long week for both of us and he had broke down in my arms. I was now cuddling on the couch while he vented to me. I liked it a lot when he depended on me or I depended on him. I traced shapes in his...
I checked my phone 3:36 the time read. I would have about 4 hours of daylight with Tommy. The car took a turn down a road. The car I was in had Wilbur driving, and Niki in the passenger seat and Tubbo in the middle row. I was sitting in the back row. We were on our way to go pick up tommy. Everyone agreed that I was going to go get him. I got out of the car and noticed his window was open. His window was close to the ground-ish so I decided to climb through the window and make my grand appearance.
I slowly crawled into the window. I heard tommy in his bathroom that branches off the bedroom. I hid by the door getting ready to scare him when he walked out.
"Boo!" I screamed and hugged him from behind.
"AH FUCKING BITCH!!" He responded shocked. "Oh my god y/n is that you?? You look so much better in person..." he mumbled loud enough for to hear.
"Ooh? Simpinnit?" I replied in a joking manner. "Anyways, we are here to pick you up for the meetup! Come out to the car, you can sit with me or Toby!!"
Narrator's POV
He smiled and grabbed his stuff. He exited out the door "like a normal person" and then loaded his stuff in the trunk. He sat in the back row with you.
"I can't believe you are here with us n/n..." Tommy whispered in your ear so no one else could hear.
"I wouldn't miss this for the world tommy..." you whispered back to him and cuddled close to him under your blanket.
The car ride was about 30 minutes and you ended up falling asleep on Tommy's shoulder. Suddenly, you were shook awake by Tommy. He helped you bring your things inside. You and Tommy brought your stuff to your room. Your room, of course only had 1 bed. You didn't mind since you have a little crush on him. You unpacked your stuff into the dressers and then you all got changed into different outfits. You had decided to put on a tank top and leggings. You went down into the living room where everyone was sitting. You guys decided to play spin the bottle except if it landed on you, you had to do truth or dare. It landed on Tubbo and he confessed he favorited his bee named Barry over every other bee. We all giggled. After a few boring people doing truth it landed on you. You confidently said;
Wilbur looked at you with a mischievous grin on his face.
Oh no
"I dare you to prank call the guy you like!" He said laughing.
Your jaw dropped. How would you do that if the guy you liked the most right now was sitting across from you. You didn't know if you should fake it or actually call him.
"Well... ok. What type of prank call should I do? He definitely already has my number so can I use someone else's phone?" You ask the group. Niki ends up volunteering her phone, and Wilbur gives you the idea to pretend you are ordering a pizza. You pick up her phone and dial in one of your discord friend's phone number.
"Hello is this dominos?" You ask the phone. "Uh... No this is jack. Who is this?" "Oh jack ok so can I get a medium pepperoni pizza with a thick crust." You ask him. "Y/n... Is that you" Jack questions "Yes it is me, now did you get that or do I need to repeat my order?" You say.
You look down at the phone and see he hung up on you. Everyone starts laughing because the dare was so ridiculous. You notice tommy is the only one not laughing.
Before you guys knew it, it was time for bed. The people who were allowed to drink and Tubbo (so he could drive them) left. That left you and Tommy alone. You decide to ask him about why he wasn't laughing during the prank call.
"Hey tommy? Can we talk really quick?" You question
"Oh yeah sure y/n, what's up?" He asks.
"Why didn't you laugh during the prank call? I noticed you were really quiet the whole time." You ask
"Well, I'm not entirely sure. I just got upset randomly. I don't know why." He says quietly and looks down.
You look at him with a sad face.
He lifts his head up and looks at you with a smile. "I think I like you y/n. Like, I like like you. A lot." He says, grinning from ear to ear.
You open your mouth in shock and start smiling at him.
"Tommy... I don't know what to say" You mumble back.
"Maybe that you like me too?" He says, laughing nervously.
"I think you will like this better..." You say right before kissing him.
He leans into the kiss. You pull back and smile at him.
"I like you too Tommy." You say grinning.
He laughs and picks you up so you are straddling him and he carries you to your guys room.
You guys got to your room and he set you down. You yawned and decided it was time for bed. You started getting changed with your back to him. You were taking off your shirt when Tommy came up behind you and handed you his hoodie. He then went and sat down on the bed. You got changed into his hoodie and shorts. You walked back over to the bed. The outfit-
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You looked at him and climbed on top of him with your face a few inches from his. He cupped your face in his hands and he kissed you deeply. You started to pull away but then he leaned in and he kissed you again.
"Tommy..." You pulled away. "What are we?" You asked.
"What do you want to be?" he asks, making eye contact and with a hopeful look in his eyes.
"I want to be yours. I don't care about labels I just wanna be your girl." You say, looking at him and kissing him.
His hands rest on your hips and pull you closer.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks you with his lips against yours.
"Yes." You say and kiss him again, deeply.
He smiles and kisses you deeply. You guys kept kissing each other for awhile until you both got tired. You laid your head on his chest and fell asleep.
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A/N Okay this is the last pre-written chapter and so the next chapters will be completely new. Comment down below what you would like to see and other suggestions/critique!!