The Meeting

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POV - Firelord Zuko

The 100 year war was finally over, and the nations were at peace., with the help of my friends Aang, Katara, Sokka, Suki and Toph. I had taken my rightful place at the throne, and my Uncle Iroh was at my side helping me rule the fire nation, which is probably best because I'm only 20 years old. My mother Ursa, has returned to the fire nation, after hearing that my father and sister were locked away in a heavily guarded prison. Today, I have to attend a meeting about some Firelord - government stuff. How fun.

-at the meeting-

"Firelord Zuko! Earth to Zuko!" said one of the government officials. I realized that I had zoned out for a really long time. I looked up, annoyed.

"Now, it is said in the Scribe of the Firelord, that the Firelord must be married in order to rule the Fire Nation." Stated the same official.

"Married? I have to get MARRIED?" I shouted. This was the last thing I needed, especially after my breakup with Mai.

My mother sat in the seat next to me. "Calm down Zuko, we'll figure this out." she said. Normally I would listen to her, but honestly right now I couldn't.

"The Scribe of the Firelord says you have to get married within two months. You have two months to choose a bride."

"TWO MONTHS? I have to fall in love with a girl IN TWO MONTHS," I screamed.

"Now, perhaps we could have a competition! We could ask girls in the Fire Nation, or from all the nations if they would like to participate in a competition to be Firelord Zuko's bride. Don't worry Zuko, you will get to know the ladies." Said another Government Official.

"Maybe," I said, reluctantly.

I didn't like the idea, especially because there was a girl that I like, but she is already taken, and it would never happen. Katara. I like, and possibly even in love with Katara.

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