The day

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Have you ever come across something that changes you. It changes you in ways that words can't even begin to describe. I had that, but it was a day. I didn't know it yet but it was the best day of my life.


"I'm here where are you guys at?" I say to my friend over a FaceTime call.
"I'm running a little late but I should be there soon" she says in a rush, I here her car keys cling together as she pick them up.
"Katie hurry!" I say loud with people staring.
"Brooke I'm hurrying".

      The call hangs up. I'm standing there alone in the middle of the outdoor mall. The cold breeze brushing up against my skin. The nasty grey clouds not allowing the sun to shine. I look around at all these people but I don't notice them. It's almost like they aren't even there. But there is one, one person that sticks out. He's blonde hair being pushed around in the wind. His blue eyes finding the little light to reflect. His shiny smile almost to perfect to bare eyes one.
       He is walking towards me with his friends. He is standing in the middle of the group. He is the tallest. I don't know what to guess but he stood at least five inches over the others. His whose shoulders taking up the space to fill the gaps between them.
     Thoughts swimming through my head. "Is he coming over to me?", "do I look okay?" "Where the hell is Katie?". Before I know it he is standing there in front of my face. I see his mouth moving but nothing is coming out. I'm just focused on his cheekbones and soft pink lips.
"Hello?" He says while waving his hand in front of my face. I shake a little back into reality.
"Hi" I say back tilting my head and pulling my hair behind my ear.
"I'm sorry but I was just wondering in maybe, by any chance I could get your number?". I was shocked, between my old yellow dyed blonde hair and my pale  blotchy pink skin he wouldn't ask me that question. That's not even mentioning the fact that I can be considered more "overweight".
"Oh" I say with a weird shocked look on my face.
"It's okay if you don't want to give it t..."
"Brookes626." I say cutting him off.
"I'm sorry?" He says looking confused.
"My snap, Brookes626".
"Oh, I didn't catch it the first time.". He says alittle embarrassed. "Well Brookes626, I see a text from me  in your near future.".
"Sounds like a plan.". What the actual fuck. Did I just say sounds like a plan. I cringe at the fact I said that.
       He walks away. He looks back once and just sees me staring him down. He gives me a little smirk and he's off. Back to where he belongs, with his friends and having all the hot, socially acceptable girls staring at him.
"Brooke I'm so sorry I'm late I had to get ready. I woke up like twenty minutes ago." She says while handing me a coffee. "Did you already go into a store? Did I miss anything?"  I turn and look at her with a strange look on my face. Before I know it she has the same look. "Are you okay?" She asks "did I miss something?".
"Well actually...".

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