Chapter 2: Pure Morning

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Phew! Sorry this one took so long. I think I'm finally starting to find my groove, though. Here's to hoping chapters will come a bit faster from here on in! No promises, though... (sigh)

This chapter's mostly based off my original chapter one. Some parts of it are kept, some are totally new. I hope you enjoy! Thanks for the constant support ;)

--Y/N POV--
I woke up that morning in a blue haze, as usual.

School. The first of many days where I was forced to share a room with people my age, while we all studied something we would probably forget in a few months.

I headed into the bathroom and splashed some water on my face to wake me up. Maybe things would be better here... Maybe she wouldn't haunt me anymore...

Hey, a guy could dream.

I bounded downstairs, putting on my new school uniform and a jacket over it. My parents had already gone to work, and had left me some bread in the toaster. I ate it quickly, before grabbing my earphones and stuffing them inside my ears.

Music, my sole escape throughout everything that had happened. No matter how broken and ruined I was, I knew music was always there for me, ready to shelter and comfort when I needed it most.

I pressed play on my phone, and the opening bars of Neck Deep's "Kali Ma" started pounding in my head. I picked up my bag and ran out, shutting and locking the door behind me. We had driven past the school on the way over here, so I knew exactly where it was. I walked briskly, grimacing as the cold surrounded me.

After a few minutes, my eyes settled on the road. I felt my feet stop moving. Cars hurtled by, faster than ever. I could end it all now... all it would take was a few steps. Then, I could finally be at peace.

I still saw her, every time I closed my eyes. I could feel her behind me just before I turned around, giggling whenever I messed up, answering my silent questions.

Her lips always against mine... Bright eyes staring into my soul.

She ripped her hand into my chest, and pulled out my beating heart for the world to see...

God, I should stop listening to Kali Ma so much...

???: Hey, watch it!

I turned around to find a girl my age staring at me. She was wearing a similar school uniform, with a skirt. At first glance, she looked like one of those popular girls with a boyfriend on the football team, or something. But I kept those thoughts inside myself, where I kept all of my buried feelings and grievances.

I knew I should learn from my past mistakes- trying to bury your problems only made them worse, until they burst out of you like avenging magma deep below the Earth's surface. But I couldn't bring myself to face it yet. I couldn't face anything.


--Robin POV--
I stuffed my hands into my pockets and kept my eyes on the sidewalk ahead. It was winter, and my fingers felt like they would freeze off any second now...

You may be wondering- why am I not on my bike today? Well... it was at the neighborhood shop, where I had taken it yesterday after I dented it trying to escape Tiki and her band of idiots. Yes, apparently their only pastime was harassing me 24/7. 

Oh well, my bike was in need to a facelift either way. Better sooner than later, I guess?

One thing I hadn't thought of was... if Tiki decided to try to corner me again after classes, how could I make a quick escape? There was always Chrom and Sumia with their car... but knowing Chrom and his love for blasting inane pop music as loud as possible... I wanted to steer clear of that option as much as possible. A last resort, right Robin? Right.

No Heart To Speak Of (F!Robin x M!Reader Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now