Chapter 4: In The Same Room

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Damn. It's almost been a month since my last update. Apologies for taking so long guys. I haven't been getting that much sleep lately, and my motivation for everything's at an all time low. Hopefully I'll get better after this, since my break is coming up at the end of this month. 

Anyways, enjoy the story! Was expecting this to be a shortie, but ended up being mildly surprised. 

--Y/N POV--
Someone, kill me now. I can't take much more of this.

Therapist: So, Y/N. How have you been feeling this past week?

My therapist's fake smile. It was quite obvious that he'd rather be doing anything but this. And so would I. Couldn't we reach some mutual agreement? Not to bother each other? I'm sure that would save a lot of time and effort.

Y/N: Fine, just fine, as usual.

Therapist: That's good to hear. I've already spoken with your new school's guidance counselor. I understand that you have your pills now, is that right?

Y/N: Yes... I keep them with me at all times.

Therapist: Good, good. I also understand that he has talked to you about... finding something outside of school to do. It may help take your mind off things.

I groaned inwardly. Everyone around me seemed to really be pushing for this whole, "do something" idea. Nothing really interested me anymore. I just found that I couldn't focus on anything, because my mind kept coming back to...

I shook my head, shutting out my thoughts. Not now, not here. "I-I suppose I'll think about it."

He sent me another fake smile. "Good."

Finally free. I picked up the jacket I had left on a chair, zipping it up and stepping outside the room. This building was a ways away from home, so I needed to hurry up if I was to be home before lunch.

Walking down the concrete steps, breathing in the cool air... It gave me a tiny sense of serenity. As if I could just lie here forever, forget about living, about everything.

But of course, something had to snap me out of my stupor.

Robin: Wh-Whoa! Watch out!

In my thoughts, I hadn't realized I had already reached the street. I instinctively backpedaled as Robin almost ran me over with her bike. Goddammit. 

Y/N: !- Please look where you're going!

Robin: Yeah, yeah. That was a fluke, I swear!

I gave her a look of slight disdain. She hardly paid attention when she was biking. Speaking of which...

Y/N: What... what are you doing here?? 

To my surprised, her face reddened slightly, and she looked away. "I-I had to go get something for my mom! I just happened to see you walk out of this building! Why?"

Her sudden defensiveness threw me off, but I decided not to inquire further. "Nevermind then."

She turned back with her bike, looking a bit guilty. She probably thought she offended me in some way.

Robin: S-Sorry 'bout that. I've been a bit stressed lately.

Y/N: It's totally fine, really. You don't need to apologize.

She folded her arms and bit her lip, something I had seen her do frequently in the months we had known each other. That's right. It had been around three months since I moved to this little town, three months since we met.

Robin: R-Really?

I found it strange that she only showed this insecure and quiet part of herself around me. Whenever we were in school, she was outgoing, loud, confident. I wasn't sure why she felt safe around me, but I chose not to say anything. If I did, I might never see that part of her again. 

No Heart To Speak Of (F!Robin x M!Reader Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now