Really Rose?

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After that moment in the kitchen we ate lunch and Ashton went home. When he left Joey came over. It was almost 3:00 and I was waiting for the call. I told joey about the whole story. She giggled and said "he gets in trouble just like his sister. You taught him well." I rolled my eyes and was about to say something back when the phone rang.

I answered it and said "hello?" In my best mom voice.

"Yes, Mrs. Grey I'm calling about your son Alex." His teacher said.

"oh he told me you would be calling." My impersonation of mom is terrible.

"I just wanted to call and tell you that he needs to clean up his behavior."

"Ah yes, he's turning into his older sister, always getting in trouble. I will talk to him. Thank you for calling." His teacher then hung up and I sighed falling back on my bed.

The blanket smelled so good. Fresh out of the dryer. "Imagine how mad my mom will be when she finds out!" I rolled over and yelled into my pillow. "Chill Rose. You have done way worst than this before." Joey said.

I then turned over to look at Joey. "Did you seriously post that picture on the Internet?" I asked in a serious voice. "No silly! Ashton would have killed me!" "And I would have helped." I muttered under my breath.

I don't understand. Does this mean he likes me? Ugh, why are men so difficult.

"Let's watch a movie!" Joey yelled. We agreed to watch 'warm bodies' at her house. Joey jumped over to her room and I followed. We then went down to her living room. I laid on the floor because Joey takes up the whole damn couch. Last time she pushed me off.

After a couple movies Ashton appeared in the door way. "Hey ash." I said not looking away from the tv. "Bro." Is all Joey said. "Do you guys want to go to the skatepark?" He asked. I shot up and looked at him. He has my full attention now.

"Yah let's go." Joey yelled. We both ran up to her room. I quickly jumped over to my room, grabbed my board, and jumped back.

Joey and I had a race down the steps. The only reason she won is because she pulled me back. So as normal friendships go, we started to argue that one of us cheated.

"You cheater!" I said.

"No, you are just a sore loser!" Joey argued back.

"Fuc-" I was cut of by Aston saying "don't swear! I know what's going to come out of those potty mouths."

Joey stuck her tongue out at me. I did the same back, but she just shrugged. We all headed out of the house skating down the sidewalk.

Once we were at the skatepark Ashton went to the ramp. Joey was sitting on a bench talking to me as I was doing 360's. There were these guys that looked like they were up to no good watching us.

It felt like they were staring at my ass but I just shook it off. I decided to pull one last 360 and as I was going around I seen one walking towards me. He probably was about 6 foot, he had on black cloths, and a nose ring.

I turned back to Joey and she didn't look at him. I sat next to her and wished that Ashton would come back. He soon made it to us.

"Hey, do you guys want to go over to my house and hang out with my friends and I?" He asked. "No thank you." Joey said as we both stood up to walk towards Ashton, who was talking to a guy next to the ramp. We grabbed both of our skateboards.

Joey squealed because the guy grabbed her and pulled her back. "Oh fuck no!" I screamed as I ran up to him and kicking him in the junk. His friends stood behind him. Oh shit.

One of them grabbed my waist and was picking me up. The other had Joey by her arm and she was trying to pull away. I yelled the first thing that came to mind. "Rape!!! Ashton help!" I screamed. The dude tried to cover my mouth but I bit his hand.

Ashton's head wiped around and was shocked when he seen what was going on. I hit the guy who stood behind me with my skateboard and got out of his grip. Ashton raced over towards us. I was trying to get Joey away from the dude that had her.

How the hell are these guys so much bigger than me! Like what the fuck!? Why do I have to be so small!? Ashton's hand connected with the guys jaw causing his to let go of Joey's arm. The guy fell to the ground. Joey and I bolted away with Ashton behind us.

I have never ran so fast in my life. We made it back to Joey and Ashton's house. There was a bush in their front yard, so by instinct I jumped into it. I know I'm strange, judge me.

Joey and Ashton ran past the bush with out seeing me. "Rose? Where the fuck did you go?" Joey called. I can just see the look on Ashton's face when she said that.

"Over here." I yelled. They looked around confused. I couldn't help but giggle. "In the bush dumb ass." I said after.

I stood up and Joey gave me a look that said 'really'. Shrugging I stood up, stepping out of the bush with my skateboard.

"Really Rose?" Joey said giving me a look.

*later that day*

Joey was laying on the couch like usual and I was on the floor. We are watching magic mike at the moment. It was at the best part when we heard really loud noises coming from the garage.

"So kiss me, kiss me, kiss me!

And tell me that I'll see you again!

Cause I don't know!

If I can let you go!"

Joey groaned and put a pillow over her head. Honestly they are really good at singing but they are too loud!

Finally joey got up and said "fuck this." and went to the kitchen. Soon she came back with a squirt bottle for your hair. Oh no, who knows what she is going to do.

"Follow me." She said smiling deviously. I got up and followed her to her garage and she opened the door. The guys were still sing and playing their instruments when joey started to spray them.

She first hit Michael in the back of the head and he squealed. Everyone stopped playing and looked right at us. Grate, just grate Joey. She then sprayed everyone else.

Joey shoved the bottle in my hands and took off running when Michael came after her with a water bottle in his hands. when they left everyone turned their attention to me.

" see. Um, that was Joey's idea." I said backing away when ashton stood up.

"Uh, um...bye!" I yelled as I ran back into the house. I could hear Ashton's foot steps behind me as I ran up the steps.

I'm going to try and jump threw his window to mine. I ran into his room and went to the window. Right when I got my foot on the window seal someone grabbed my hips and pulled me back.

"Damn it!" I screamed. "So close!"

"Not close enough." Said ashton as he chuckled.

Next thing I know I'm over Ashton's shoulder and he's walking down the steps. I can hear Joey squeal downstairs and I'm not excited to find out what Ashton is going to do to me.

Ashton carried me down the steps and out the back door. Oh shit. Michael was chasing joey with a hose and she was screaming. We are defiantly going to get a noise complaint.

"Michael! Spray Rose!" Ashton shouted at Michael.

Ashton set me down and Michael sprayed me with the fucking hose. What's funny is he didn't give Ashton enough time to get out of the way. Ashton was just as wet as I was.

"Haha! Karma's a bitch!" I yelled as I laughed.

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