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One on the far left was the biggest of the three. Glorious and plush with red cushions that looked like i could jump on and sink right into the cushion. Gold trim surrounded the cushions as golden tassels hung from the arm rests of the throne.

The middle throne was much less extravagant and smaller in size, but still as beautiful as the one before. With A fanned, three curved humps at the top of the back and red cloth that hung from the cushion like a bed-skirt over a box spring.

The third, was just about the same size as the middle one. Resembling both the first and second, it was like a hybridized fashion of the first two- a child of the two thrones so to speak.

In two of those three thrones, sat two adults. In the first, glorious throne was a man dressed in black, gold and purple with a fur lined robe over his shoulders. A golden, magnificent crown sat along his head. Next to him was a woman, a small tiara sat atop her pinned and folded hair as her dress was a soft purple and flowed so elegantly you knew without touching it that the fabric would be soft.

i knew without a doubt it was the king and queen of Hissing Isle. The royal family that lived in Serpent Castle. i had never truly met them face to face before, and i thought my legs were going to freeze  and then collapse.

my mother soon came to a respectful halt a fair distance in front of the steps leading up to the thrones before she lowered her chest in a deep bow. In theory i would have copied my mother, but i simply couldn't move due to the nerves rampaging through your body.

The queen looked at me with a smile on her face as she soon rose from her throne and picked up the floor length gown as she revealed her jeweled heels as she stepped carefully down the steps and soon was approaching you both. i jolted as i felt my mother's hand on the back of my head.

The queen was soon kneeling in front of me, her graceful beauty within arms reach, but all i could do is stare in wide-eyed awe and anxiousness.

"You have a lovely daughter, Lady Lily," the queen's smooth, rich voice spoke to my mother even though she was looking at me. She reached out her hand as she brushed the back of her finger across her cheek and through my freshly brushed hair as i gulped. "Hello, sweetheart," she softly called.

"Hello," i croaked out as the hand of my mother's brushed along the back of my head, soothing myself.

"Do you know why you're here this morning, child?" i nodded at the queen's question "There are many things you are destined for, small lady. First, my husband and I would like to introduce you to another child just a couple years older than you. We hope you both can become friends." i silently nod once again, still gripping onto my mother's dress like a lifeline.

The queen stands back up and steps away from you as she exchanges words with my mother. i look around the throne room and back behind the curtains that drape behind the set of thrones i see a faint silhouette. i shuddered, thinking it was one of those shadow monsters you see in the corner of your vision.

i jolt when the shadow seems to have locked eye contact with you. i tug on my mother's dress and reach to grab her hand as i look up towards her. She's soon looking down at my lifeless face, her precious child with eyes that can see almost too well, before she is grabbing i hand back tightly in hers.

"What is it, dearest?" i crush my face into the fabric of her dress as i feel her leg behind it. "dahyun," she cooed, trying to have me behave just a bit better in front of the royal family.

"There's a shadow in here," i muttered as i felt her other hand on my head again, avoiding snagging her fingernails into my clipped hair. "Behind those big chairs, there's a shadow," i whine pouting my lips in order to give a sign that i am going to burst crying any second. Both my mother and the queen turn to look behind the set of glorious seats and the queen only smiles at the 'shadow' i had seen.

"Oh my," the queen breathed, "why are you hiding back there again, Taehyung," the queen called. i looked up from the fabric of my mother's skirt as i peered around her to see the shadow move- making me jump. Soon, a young boy was walking out of the shadows, dressed in a black shirt and pants with a golden vest of thick embroidered shoulders and hems on his small framed torso. His blonde hair shining like a star. my body relaxed- it wasn't a shadow after all.

"I apologize for her," my mother addressed and i instantly felt guilty. my mother was apologizing because i jumped to conclusions because you weren't able to tell the shadows from people yet; these shadows only just started appearing in your vision recently and they scared you. "Her eyes can see more than what others can, so she hasn't learned spirits from humans yet."

"I see the rumors about her abilities are true then," from behind the queen, the king who had been sitting in silence had finally spoken. "I can feel her spiritual pressure even from here, and she's of such young age. You should be proud of your daughter, Lady Lily." The king rose from his throne as he descended the steps and called the child boy over to his and the queen's side.

Soon, the king and queen stood in front of me as the young boy stood between them. i didn't need to be told that this was their child- the prince of whom i knew of but had also never met. The look in his dark eyes made me shiver, like he wasn't a happy child. But, the royal family was so kind and made you feel warm- why would his eyes look so grim then?

The king soon placed a large hand on the prince's small shoulder.

"Young dahyun, as of today I would be honored if you would keep my son company." i looked up at the king with a dropped jaw. The prince was the new friend my mother had told you about? i looked back down at the prince- his expression unchanged as if he was unhappy about his newfound company. Maybe that is why his eyes looked that way, he didn't want a playmate. "Is that alright?" The king asked as if my four year old  innocent little heart had the gall to say no the royalty.

"Yes, sir," i squeaked in shyness. "It's alright," i confirmed with my small, bell voice my mother always praised. It made the queen and king smile as the queen wrapped her arm around her son's shoulders, kneeling to his level and gaining his attention.

"Now, Taehyung," she started softly, "dahyun is going to be your friend, so you treat her kindly, alright?" i jolted and sucked in a small breath when the prince looked back to you before returning his bland gaze to his mother.

"Yes, mother," he muttered. The queen brushed back Taehyung's hair and sent him off, out of the throne room. Soon, my mother was advising me to follow after him. With a small head pat from my mother and a gulp of attempted bravery, i trotted after the six-year-old prince who didn't seem very happy to have a new friend. 

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