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It had been four days since i was assigned Prince Taehyung's playmate and friend. i often spent time in the library reading while he studied, or walking behind him as he roamed through the gardens before sitting on a bench with a book, you sitting on the opposite end of the same bench.

Every night my mother would tuck me into the bed and ask how your day with the prince was and i would always tell her the same thing. You were nothing but a duckling following around the royal prince as he never spoke to you even if you spoke to him. i feared he disliked you and i often sought my mother's comfort as i would nearly cry at the thought of your first real friend hating you.

Every morning i'd wake up and pick out the prettiest dress and most eye-catching hair pins and ribbons to try and attract the prince's attention. Even when i tried wearing shoes that clack with each step, he never even spared you a glance.

It was midday of the fifth day of being Taehyung's new friend when i decided to try and be more aggressive with your mission i had dubbed: 'make Prince Taehyung my friend'. we both sat in the library as he was scribbling in a book with another book open next to him. i had recognized the book he was studying today- a book of hymns from the past that are typically sung about or for the Serpent King's spirit and the Sea Snake. i was currently being taught those same hymns by the shrine maidens and monks during the time you weren't trailing Taehyung.

"Prince Taehyung," i called softly, knowing he wouldn't answer you. i swallowed my nervous breath as i pushed more words out instead of giving up instantly like the days prior. "Are you very interested in the Sea Snake and Serpent King hymns? If so, I can sing them for you," i offered. i saw his fountain pen halt in his hand for just a moment before he resumed writing.

i almost smiled, that was proof he was listening to you- just ignoring you.

"You know," i continued, stepped just ever so closer to the chair he sat in as his feet dangled, still far too short to reach the floor. "I'm being taught a lot of those from the shrine maidens. They said I need to know them because I'm going to become a shrine maiden one day too. They told me I'm going to be a priestess and that the hymns would be very important to know when I'm all grown up."

He didn't pay me any mind just as i was used to. i wracked my young mind to think as to why he was so uninterested in you. i've always wanted a friend around my age, and he was only two years older than you. He wasn't so superior to me as a six-year-old that i had to be ignored. Maybe he was just a snobby prince? But, that didn't seem to fit him. The aura he gave off felt sad and calm to me- like he wanted something he just wasn't getting, but staying to himself about it.

Then, i had a thought.

Prince Taehyung is the Serpent King's descendant- his reincarnation as i was told- who was blessed with the ancient king's blood. He would one day rule the kingdom and lead the Hissing Isle into a golden age- even more peaceful and prosperous than the Serpent Kingdom is right now.

"Prince Taehyung," i addressed him again. i had gotten beside him and gently grabbed the cloth of his shirt around his elbow between my fingers. "Are you sad about being born like the Serpent King?" For the first time the child prince stopped his scribbling and the air around you changed.

It became tense and i felt like you were suffocating. Did i cross a line? Were you supposed to just keep your mouth shut and follow him like a little duckling for the rest of your childhood until he finally snapped and told you to leave him alone? i shivered. Would he snap now? Would he yell and tell you to be gone because i was prying into business that isn't yours?

"Am I sad about being born this way?" The first sentence ever spoken to me from the prince's mouth and it felt sharp as it hit my heart. "Am I sad about being told who I am and who I'm supposed to be? Am I sad about being so different that people can't even use my name? Am I sad that I'm just 'Serpent Prince Taehyung'?" He finally turned to look at me, his dark eyes lined with frustrated tears. "Wouldn't you be sad about that?" He softly choked.

"Prince," i called in a small breath, unable to recognize that the small prince had been carrying such a burden on his shoulders. Was he really outcast like he claims? True, when i followed him around, all people did was bow their head and offer praises of the blood of the serpent king.

"How are you okay with the shrine telling you who you're destined to become?" He asked, turning away from the book full of hymns and swiveling to look at me standing next to him.

"Because my mom said I'd grow up to be a great priestess one day," i spoke in a heavily whispered answer. "And my mom would never lie to me, so I believe her."

"She's planning your life for you. Doesn't that make you mad? Shouldn't you have the freedom to choose what you want?" This was the most the prince had ever spoken in my presence.

"I'm not mad," i quickly deny. "I really like learning all the hymns and the dances the shrine is teaching me. I get to dance with bells and ribbons and sing songs that will help people when I grow up. I get scared of shadows and odd creatures I see, but the more I learn from the monks, the more I can face those scary things. I have so much fun with the shrine people, so I could never be mad about growing up like they say I will." i let go of the prince's sleeves only to grab his hand hesitantly.

His hand is relaxed in yours, not moving to pull away or to return the gesture. i think i finally understand why the prince's eyes are so sad. He's scared of his future and feels trapped. i step closer to his chair, making him lean back as i got into his personal bubble that had never been popped before.

"If you're unhappy, the king and queen would surely listen to you!" i announced with a brow furrowed in determination. "If you told you mom and dad, I'm sure they'd listen and accept whatever you said! My mom always tells me to tell her anything and as long as I'm honest, she'll listen without anger. I'm sure your mom and dad think the same thing, Taehyung."

His eyes were wide as i quickly spoke- throwing out his title in the spur of the moment. Advising him to go talk to his parents about his woes? Addressing him so boldly in an attempt to cheer him up after all he's been doing for as long as he could remember is brood in the idea of his set in stone future? Could he really tell his parents that he was scared of letting them down? He was just a child, a small little six-year-old who was scared of disappointing his parents.

"I can't tell them," he whispered to himself more than you, trying to get the idea of speaking his mind out of his head. He couldn't be selfish, not when so many people expect so much from him.

"Then, you can tell me and I'll tell them for you!" i announced again. "You're my friend, Taehyung, and if you can't tell them, then I'll do it for you." The prince dropped his jaw as he looked into the total seriousness of my eyes. i meant it; every word i've said i have meant. i looked down at my hand when i felt the boy grip it back, holding my hand tightly.

"You don't think they'd be mad at me?" His true colors of youth finally broke through. i smiled brightly at him as i shook my head. "Then, I guess I can try... later, at dinner maybe." i saw a small hue paint his cheeks as i giggled at the sudden cute turn his demeanor took. "You said you knew some of these?" He asked, referring back to his book of hymns. i nodded as he got up, let go of me hand and fetched a new chair for me, setting it beside him as he climbed back into his. "Then, could you sing one?"

my child-like voice of bells sang any hymn he could find i knew and he could feel the serpent blood in him react to it, reaching out to the songs it found so familiar. 

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