Chapter 2

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-Phil's pov-

Dan walked into my flat looking a little nervous. I wasn't surprised really, he was in a random stranger's flat.

"If you just want to follow me I'll take you for a tour if you like?" I asked, hoping to sound as helpful and friendly as possible.

"Yeah sounds good." His voice was a little shaky but I didn't say anything incase it made him even more nervous.

We started walking and I was pointing out places like the living room, the kitchen and the bathroom.

"The room on the right is mine and the one on the left would be your's if you were to move in." I smiled, gently pointing at the doors.

"Do you mind if I have a look?" His eyes looked so innocent, so cute. Wait, what?

"Go ahead. It's quite big and can fit a lot in it."

And with that he walked in.

-Dan's pov-

I walked into the empty room. It smelled like fresh febreeze. I could tell it was a citrus one- my favourite.

"Looks big enough for a piano." I mumbled to myself, hoping Phil wouldn't hear and see my face as I felt my cheeks get warmer. I turned and looked at him "it's really nice. And it is quite big which is a bonus."

"Would you like to come back to the living room and I'll just ask you a few questions if that's alright." I nodded my head and we walked to the living room. I knew I'd only just met him but there was something about his smile. It wasn't a normal smile, it was higher on one side which made him look even better. What?

"Just take a seat wherever you feel comfortable." He said gesturing to the sofa and chairs at the table. I gently sat on the big squishy sofa, beginning to feel very comfortable.

"So, Dan. What makes you want to move into a flat or a new flat?"

"Well, I started university not too long ago and I wanted somewhere new to live so I wouldn't have to live in the university halls where it looked like a prison cell and I literally couldn't move because it was so small. I saw your poster and by it you seem like a really nice person."

"Thanks. So, can I just ask what your date of birth is?"

"Yes, it's June 11th, 1991. I'm 18. And you?"

"I don't know about you but I'm feeling 22" He was pretty funny actually. I laughed an he continued.

"Sorry for that, my date of birth is January 30th 1987. Anyway, how long are you thinking of living here?"

"Hopefully a pretty long time. I'd like to stay in one flat with the same flat mate."

"Okay. And finally, do you have any addictions, habits, like to bring girls home all of the time or like to have really loud parties all of the time?"

"Well I have a cople of habits but that's just like drumming on the desk or cracking my fingers."

"Good good. If I could just have your number I'll get back to you as soon as possible." Phil handed me the phone and I tapped my number into before handing it back. He then lead me to the door and we said our goodbyes before I left, hoping to hear back soon.

*1 week later*

-Phil's pov-

The sound of the dial tone was killing me as I was waiting for him to pick up the phone.


"Hey Dan? It's Phil. I'd to tell you that you passed and the other space in my apartment is yours if you still want it?"

"Oh my god yes! Thank you so much! When can I move in?"

"Straight away if you want. If you tell me your address I can come and help." About 30 seconds later I found myself outside of the door looking for a taxi to take me to help Dan with his packing. I knocked on the door after checking the door number I had written down from the phone call.

"Hi Phil! Come on in!" I walked through the door and into the tiny prison cell of a room. I felt like Dan had already opened up to me more and it was a great feeling to be honest. 

"Nice sonic boxers" I said holding up the luminous orange boxers. He chuckled and replied-

"I think I'll pack the underwear. Would it be okay if you do the t shirts?" I nodded and we awkwardly shuffled past each other in the tiny room.

We finished quite quickly and were on our way back to our flat.

"I'm really excited!" Dan said high-pitched.

"Me too! My flat has been really lonely and I'm sure it's going to be great now!" I smiled, looking into his chocolate brown eyes. He was actually beautiful. 

Slowly but surely, I was falling in love with the guy I hardly knew who was about to be my best friend.

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