Denki and Dad

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Denki POV

Saturday rolled around, and come 1 P.M. Kyoka's father was supposed to pick me up. I was surprised when I heard a knock at the door just then I may not know him all that well, but he was punctual, because when I looked at the clock it was exactly 1. I opened the door to be met with Kyoka's father, as expected. He had a grin from ear to ear and a look of excitement in his eyes.

"Hey there Kaminari! Ready for today?" He greeted. At least he used my last name.

"Yeah, I guess. Hey mom I'm going out for a bit, 'kay?" I asked walking out the door.

"Just be home for dinner!" She called back.

"Got it. need anything while we're out?" I asked.

"No, you go have fun," she answered. I nodded and Kinashi walked me to his car.

"So, Kaminari, how do you feel about Kyoka?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked back.

"How do you feel about her? Not just romantically but just in general?" He rephrased.

"Well, she's one of the smarter ones in class. She has a temper but only if you push her, she definitely isn't the "feelings" type of person. She usually keeps to herself, but when you get to know her she opens up and becomes really nice. She may be small but she can definitely protect herself. Overall she's a really great person," I finished.

"That's good to hear. By the way, where exactly are we going?" I questioned as we pulled into a familiar parking lot.

"I heard you liked gaming, so I asked around and found this arcade. It may not be the best arcade around here but-"

"You made a big mistake," I said. He looked at me in confusion. I smirked.

"I set all the top records for every game here. No one can beat me," I said. He smirked right back.

"I'm pretty big on gaming myself ya know," he said.

"Bring it on old man," I shot back. We got out of the car and into the arcade. I was surprised when he was able to keep up with me. He beat me on the zombie shooter game by thirty, I beat him by forty in Halo, I beat him again on ski ball by five points, and he really shone when he got me fifty-six to sixteen at basketball. I smirked when we came up to the Dance Dance Revolution game. I was unbeatable with this. We had three songs, the first was a warm-up at the average difficulty. We tied. The second song he chose was In Da Club by 50 Cent, and he ended up beating me by a few points. The last song I chose Party Rock Anthem on the Extreme difficulty and I got him by a landslide.

At the end of the day I beat him with fourteen versus thirteen wins. I still reigned supreme. We laughed together for a bit before the arcade closed and we had to leave. When we got in the car he pulled up Google Maps and started to find a route to take. I noticed that it was an auto repair shop, so I looked at him with slight confusion.

"Sorry, but my engine's been acting up lately and I needed some help with it," he explained.

"Well then you chose the right place. Some buddy's of mine and I work here on the weekends as a part time job sometimes," I said.

"Really? Would you mind working on my car then?" He asked.

"I don't see why not," I said. Man did I fix that car good. The engine was running like it was just built.

"You . . . you really know your way around a car," he said in disbelief.

"Yep. So where to next old man?" I asked. He looked at me in annoyance at the little nickname I gave him.

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