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I let myself fall to the back of the group as we walk in. I take in the four long tables, and admire the ceiling that portrays the night sky, Dozens of candles float in the air. I look around at everyone looking at our group. It's unsettling to think in mere minutes the beaming smiles will turn to colds glares.

We stop at the front of the hall and I scan the row of teachers. My eyes stop on a man with shoulder length black hair and black robes to match. I move through the crowd, stopping beside Malfoy.

" Who's that?" I question nodding to the man in the black robes. 

He beams " Professor Snape, he's potions master." a mischievous smile appears on his face " I suspect good grades from him." 

I roll my eyes " Of course you do." I say smirking and raising one of my eyebrows at him.

I retreat to the back of the group again. Finally something to look forward too, I've read many things about potions, and tried a few; Mother wasn't happy. Some ended well others didn't but in the past few years my efforts had payed off.

" Now before we begin Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words." The Professor calls out. I look to the front to see a man with waist length hair and beard stand.

" I have a few start of term notices I wish to announce," his voice drones " The first years please note, that the dark forest is strictly forbidden to all students." he shakes his head lightly. a Forbidden forest, that sounds interesting.

" Also our caretaker Mr. Filch has asked me to remind you, that the third floor corridor on right hand side is out of bounds. For everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death. Thankyou." He concludes. I suppress a laugh as I look around at the groups faces, what a terrible thing to tell a bunch of ten year-olds.

" When I call your name, you will come forth, I shall place the sorting hat on your head." she pauses lifting up the dusty looking hat. " And you will be sorted into your houses." she finishes her face somewhat emotionless.

She looks down at her list " Hermione Granger!" she calls, I notice a girl towards the front tense before stepping up, all while mumbling to herself.

" Mental that one, I'm telling you." the red headed boy says and I can't hold back the smirk.

" Gryffindor!" the musty old hat calls out. Cheers break out at what I assume is the Gryffindor table.

" Draco Malfoy!" she calls, I turn to him he stands a slight worried expression on his face. He sits on the stool and the Professor starts to lower the hat 

" Slytherin!" it calls without even touching his head, he smiles proudly and I offer him a small smile, he seems surprised by that. I raise an eyebrow questioning this and he waves me off.

" Hufflepuff!" the hat calls and a girl smiles proudly underneath it.

" Ronald Weasley!" Professor calls, he steps up hesitantly moving slowly to sit on the stool.

" Ha! Another Weasley, I know just what to do with you. Gryffindor!" the boy visibly relaxes.

" Harry Potter!" she calls, whispers break out everywhere. He walks slowly to the stool, taking his place.

" Hm. Difficult very Difficult, plenty of courage I see. Not a bad mind either, there's talent, Oh yes and a thirst to prove yourself." the hat rambles on more about Potters head. I notice Malfoy perk up when Slytherin is mentioned, but the hat moves on.

" Better be, Gryffindor!" Potter beams at the choice and heads to the Gryffindor table.

many more names are called including Crabbe and Goyle. Who ended up Slytherin, I wasn't surprised. I anxiously wait for my name to be called, I had hoped for it to be one of the first ones. That way they'd have the rest of the list to recover, but I wasn't that fortunate.

Instead I stand with about seven other people. My nerves slowly becoming evident, minus my efforts to hide them. I catch Snape looking at me a few times and for a moment I lock eyes with him. Something goes off in the back of my head, something I can't put my finger on. 

I don't have long to think, I feel McGonagall's eyes on me and I tune in. 

" Victoria Riddle!" she calls out, gasps and whispers fill the hall. I notice the headmaster staring intensely at me, along with another man next to Snape.

I take a deep breath composing my face and step between the two girls in front of me. They look at me in shock, but I don't so much as glance at them. I try my best to seem warm but my efforts fail and the cold expression returns as I sit on the stool.

I don't feel the hat touch my head, just a subtle shift in the air befo- 

" Slytherin!" the hat calls desperately, as if wanting to make a quick get away.

I slide off the stool and walk towards the Slytherin table. It takes a minute but they erupt in cheers, however I don't react. I sit at the front of the table away from the others, and ignoring their high-fives and various greetings.

I stare at the table coldly as the seat gives in beside me. I don't turn the flash of pale hair is enough for me to know who it is.

He nudges me with his elbow and I turn glaring at him. He smirks " I knew you'd be Slytherin, I didn't think you were that Slytherin." he says referring to the hats quick get away. 

I roll my eyes " Of course you didn't, it's simple you don't know me." I say bluntly turning back to stare at the table " And you don't want to." I say coldly.

He opens his mouth to say something, but is interrupted by McGonagall clinking her glass. 

" Your attention please." she says smiling, Dumbledore stands with a light smile.

" Let the feast, begin." at that trays of food appear in front of us. Malfoy grins at the various dishes, while Crabbe and Goyle dig in. 

My eyes wander the table, not entirely interested in anything just curious. I reach for my goblet taking a sip and setting it down. I place my elbow on the table resting my head in my hand as I stare at the table.

My mind filling with ideas of how to convince Mother to let me go home. I could feign an illness, but she'd see right through me seeing as I rarely get sick. I could simply tell them they kicked me out, but my Mother would owl Dumbledore for a reason why. The last thing that pops into my head would work, but would only give in to stereo types. 

I could create as much trouble as I can so that they're forced to send me home. it would be doable but could cause like I said stereo typing problems. I could simply skip my classes, they can't force me to go from where they are. I smirk to myself at the thought, not a bad idea.

A flash of white surges through our table, therefore catching my attention. I look up my brows furrowed, and my mouth set in a frown. I watch as ghosts fly around, some on horses galloping through tables. Another one popping out of the Gryffindor table nearly scaring the life out of the Weasley boy.

I bring my goblet to my mouth to take a sip. " Boo!" one of the ghosts exclaims. I jump nearly dropping my pumpkin juice, instead spilling some on my skirt. I look up with an icy glare and the ghosts eyes widen.

" For the love of Merlin," I hiss not bothering to hide my annoyance, " Haven't you any better things to do?" I say setting my goblet down a little too hard. I watch as he floats above the table, my glare following him. He gulps before turning to another ghost.

" Scarier that Snape that one." he says pointing over his shoulder, the other ghost laughs. I let out a huff of annoyance. Malfoy laughs beside me and I turn my glare on him, he calms down but only laughs harder when I attempt to wipe my skirt of the pumpkin juice.

I roll my eyes, pulling my wand from my waistband. I point it at my skirt " Scourgify." The stain disappears and I shove my wand back into my waistband. I ignore the impressed look on Malfoy's face. I place my elbow back on the table, and place my head on it once again.

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