Chapter 2

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"All you have to do is move the car across the field. Easy! You can do this we have been at this for weeks now," Steve presumed. 

"Easier said than done," Davina retorted. 

Outside, the wind was calm and the sky clear with nothing around except a witch and a soldier on a vast field. The car was placed on the left side of the field facing the direction it was urging to go. Davina placed her hands together evoking the wind to curdle. Roaring around her, the wind howled and danced closing her inside a whirlpool of murky clouds. Stretching her hands out, she begged her mind to lift the car. Every inch of her skin was being over run by power as her hands signalled for the heavy object to rise. Yellow bolts electrocuted out of her fingers causing her power to transport to the vehicle. The car's wheels inched a small distance off the ground and then the whole car followed in the same footsteps. The car hovered above ground, patrolling over the field. Davina proudly chuckled at her achievement. All of a sudden, the yellow bolts disappeared back into the protection of her fingers and Davina felt her power slip back into her body. With no power left to sustain the car, it rapidly crashed into the ground causing an earthquake to erupt under Davina and Steve's feet. 

"Ugh i can't do it," she cried. 

"You will but you need to stop begging your power to work, instead you need to start commanding your power to work. You need to be in control of your power not the other way around," Steve advised. 

"I can do everything else, why not this?" she moaned.

"This is the hardest thing to do and when you do this then your training will be completed. Just give it another try, yeah?

She tried again with her patience peeling away. Because of this, it was no surprise that when the car failed to move after three more tedious tries, her last piece of patience was torn out of her. 

"I give up!"

"Come on, don't be so dramatic, your just not wanting it enough."

"I do want it. I'm trying."

"Does trying count as having a little tantrum. Why don't you use the energy you're putting into your tantrum and use it to fuel your power instead, huh?" Steve mocked her, trying to provoke her anger so that she could use it. 

Turning her back from Steve, she shouted back to him,"I said I had enough." 

"You're never gonna become an avenger if you just give up." Hearing the sharpness in his voice, Steve softened his tone. "Look, I'm going on a mission now but we will try again when I get back, alright?" Davina ignored him and carried on storming off towards the avengers building. She felt disheartened; she felt like a failure. 

For the rest of the day, Davina moped around the building in a huff, feeling discouraged. Why couldn't she do it? She was aching to know. She needed to talk to someone in order to get herself out of her sorry state. She was ambling down the hallway when she decided to go and talk to someone. Bang! When she turned, she bashed straight into Peter who was eagerly approaching her. Clumsily, her head shot into his firm chest causing him to be unbalanced and topple over. Ungracefully, the two plummeted to the ground, making the floor rumble below them. With a thump, Davina landed heavily onto Peter's crushed body causing her to be wrapped around him where she could feel the warmth radiating out of him. Furthermore, their faces were pressed together. 

"Uh um hey Davina! Didn't see you there." 

"Well you do now," she chuckled, creating a grin on Peter's adorable face. "I normally get to know a guy before falling for them but I see this is an exception." 

"Too bad your not my type or you would have fallen for me by now," he teased. Their noses brushed against each other with their mouths thirstily begging to do the same. 

"Ooooo cocky much?" Teasingly, Davina slowly moved her head close enough so that the moistness of her breath lingered around Peter, blocking out his other senses. She bent her head down with her eyes still looking up, holding his gaze, and she smiled invitingly at him. Seductively, she caressed her bottom lip with her vicious teeth."How about now? Am I still not your type?" she panted, releasing more of her breath to torment him.

 Peter inhaled her moist breath and tried to distract his eyes from the irresistible beauty on top of him. He triumphantly steadied his exploding heartbeat but he was unable to stop his desire for her from enchanting him. Davina's eyes lit up with joy as she knew she was successfully arousing his pining hunger for her. She relished in his itching cravings for her touch. When she could feel his hunger turning into starvation prompting his lips to push forwards in hope of meeting hers, she tormentingly jolted her head out of his lip's reach. 

"Too bad i'm not you're type Parker, we could have been a cute couple." Peter's face was submerged into a shadow of disappointment but it also hurt Davina just as much. She desperately wanted to kiss him ever since their first encounter. Her fondness of him grew with every conversation they shared and glances they exchanged. Despite her complex feelings for the man with the admiring cobalt eyes from her misty past, she was also drawn to Peter by his enchanting looks, darling smile and compassionate nature. She liked how every room brightened up when he walked in and how his presence made her heart miss a beat. Maybe she loved him. 

The thought scared her immensely. "I-I have to go," she stuttered. She was scared of letting him in and making her heart vulnerable to heartbreak. What if she lost him like she had lost the other man in her past? The pain would be too grave. 

"What's wrong? Davina! I'm sorry," he called for her but she had already frantically rushed away. 

Davina climbed down the hallway and flung herself into a desolate room where she finally breathed. Due to her overwhelmed and frightened feelings, her power was tingling in her sweaty palms. She wanted to be with Peter so why didn't she stay? But if she wants to protect herself then she should love no one. Her thoughts were tearing her apart. She needed to escape and the only path she saw was to release her thoughts by discharging her power from within her. Opening up her hands, she readied to seep the power from her skin but she was promptly stopped by the arrival of a man in a severed suit, draped in bruises. He staggered towards her with a trail of blood running after him. 

"Get Tony!" he spluttered before collapsing into Davina's arms. 

"Tony! Quick, Steve is hurt. Please!" She screamed while falling to the floor under Steve's weight. 

Tony swiftly entered with Peter behind him, to find Davina cradling a battered Captain America. 

"Shit! What happened?" he questioned as he ran over to them. 

"I-I don't k-know! He was there and then he... he just collapsed." Davina was shaking with fear and shock. 

"It's alright, calm down." Peter pulled her into an embrace leaving Steve in Tony's arms. Davina calmed down in the comfort of his body and her violent shaking transformed into a slow shudder. "You're okay. You're okay," Peter repeated into her ear while his hand rocked her head.

The next day, Davina went to visit Steve who was brought to the medical bay the previous night. As she entered his dorm, she saw him leap out of bed and pull all the wires ,connected to his machines, off his chest. 

"Whoa, not so soon. You gotta rest." 

"No I have been resting for ages now, I need to talk to Tony," he protested.

"When you're better," she insisted while helping him back into bed. "Who did you anger this time?" She said, peering down at his bruises. 

"Ahaha! Just an old friend who I thought was dead-no I knew he was dead. It doesn't make any sense."

"Well he must be real unless you were attacked by a ghost," She teased. "Anyway who is this old friend?"

"Just someone from my past..." Steve paused and stared into the air like he was thinking of something or someone. 

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