Chapter 1

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Her eyes fluttered open to a vague figure towering over her cold, aching body. The lens in her eyes focused on the man before her, captivating his umber hair and piercing russet eyes. A quizzical expression was drawn across his face as if he was pondering about the identity of the enigmatic girl before him. Noticing that the girl was awakening, he plummeted into the chair beside the bed. Wincing at the bright azure light beaming from the man's chest, the girl lifted her sore body and moulded it into a sitting position where she had an unusual view of the dull room surrounding her. The room was bland with no furniture except for the bed and it had a chilly atmosphere to it which triggered a shiver to embed into her weak body. Questions penetrated her thoughts: where am I , who is he and who am I? Her heart galloped across her chest as she tried to remember who she was but her mind was blank like the bland room she was concealed inside which was becoming smaller and tighter with every panic-filled breath she took. Eventually, her heart slowed to a light trot when a slight piece of memory fluttered into her mind and whispered to her, her name: Davina.

"Hey, how are you feeling kid?" Davina instantly turned to the unfamiliar voice talking to her.

"Where am I?" she asked while trying to conceal the fear inside her.

"I'm Tony and you are at the avengers headquarters for your own safety," Tony said before realising the girl's hands were shaking like a leaf. "Its okay you're safe now kid," he said with a reassuring smile.Strangely, the word avengers caused bells to chime in her mind as she remembered being told about them but she could not place their names on their faces. Davina's panic escalated causing her to beg the man,Tony, to tell her who she is and why she's here.

"Look, you've gone through enough. I think we should leave it here for now and speak more later," Tony pleaded.

"No tell me," her voice was shaking but it was outshone by the anger within her voice. The anger didn't just affect her voice, it also meddled with her eyes by changing the colour of her eyes from olive green to blood red dripped with spite. Tony Stark swiftly backed away from her as he knew she was dangerous and could easily devour this colossal building effortlessly. In order to calm her, he appeased her and started to tell her all he knew about her strange existence.

"Shield and the avengers participated in an attack against hydra by invading one of their bases but instead of finding an army of sneaky, sadistic murderous, we found you strapped on a bed next to a memory wiping machine. It was clear you had just had your brain wiped but we were hoping you could remember some minor details about hydra..." his words were escaping out of him before he realised he had said too much but luckily for him Davina was too flabbergasted to realise.

"Who am I?" She shouted and then when Tony refused to answer, her blood erupted in her veins and irritation stirred inside her. Consequently, the fury inside her hurled Tony across the room. Tony flew into a wall and passed through it into another room. Davina stared in disbelief. She had just done that effortlessly with her mind. How was that possible?

A cluster of footsteps, walked across the hall and then assembled round Tony. Alarmed, she followed the sound of the footsteps and located the unconscious avenger.  Three pairs of beady eyes inspected the mysterious girl draped in a dusky, black cloth as a dress. Davina stared back and examined their unique faces and clothing. There was a large man displayed in silver armour with a satin, crimson cape sliding down the back of it. In his huge hand there was a cosmic, metallic hammer which flickered silver specks in the light. To the right of him, there was an auburn haired woman, dressed in an elasticated, black suit. Finally, there was an academic looking man concealed in a long white cloak. They all shared the same expression on their face: confused but with a hint of resentment. 

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