Chapter 6

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At headquarters, the avengers were crowded round a table still shocked about losing the teammate they were supposed to look out for. Natasha sat engrossed to her computer trying to track down Davina while simultaneously Peter sat with his head buried in his hands. Tony sat worried about what Bucky will do to her while Steve sat with a voice inside his head telling him that it was his fault. He knew what Bucky was capable of so he shouldn't have let a new recruit participate in the mission.

Having enough of the voice inside of his head, Steve decided that they had to do something to save Davina. "Look we messed up but we're going to fix this by saving her, okay? But we have to be smart about this or else we could end up in a trap."

Tony laughed, "Look who's now being the sensible one now. Maybe if you could have done that earlier then maybe Davina would still be safe. I told you she wasn't ready."

Steve quickly defended himself, "How was I to know she was following me?."

The anger between Tony and Steve continued to rise while Natasha received an email from an unknown source. "Guys stop! I think I have been sent Davina's ransom video. Get Peter out of here."

Tony tried to pull him away,"come on kid you don't want to see this."

Stormily, Peter refused and pushed Tony off him and then begged Natasha to play it. Reluctantly, Natasha pressed play and released the horrors Davina was enduring.

The video framed Davina tied to a wall with the anti-witching chains looped tightly around her wrists. She was decorated in severe purple bruises and sharp gashes across her face. Her brutal condition made Natasha turn from the camera while Peter continued to watch with rage rising in his veins.

The focus moved to Bucky as he walked into the frame playfully holding a whetted blade . As he inched closer to the beaten girl she begged him," Bucky stop this isn't like you, I know you and you would not do this please Bucky."

 Aggravated, Bucky sharply twisted her neck in his firm, metal hand and with the other, he trailed it along her body until it met her cheek where it thoroughly sliced into it with no remorse which generated a resounding cry from Davina.

 "I know no one! You mean nothing to me!"he snorted into her bloody ear. 

Teasingly, he moved the knife from her cheek and then asked her where he should strike next. With no answer from Davina except from cries, he chose his own destination: her thigh. Vigorously, he ripped open a patch of her suit to expose the raw flesh on her thigh. Davina cried out for Peter making Peter's eyes swell with doleful tears. His tears increased when he watched Davina's leg be harshly mutilated by a knife saturated in her dripping blood. Noticing the extreme distress in Peter's eyes, Tony told Natasha to turn it off. The camera zoomed in on Davina's wounded face as she mouthed the words help, before vanishing off the screen.

Choked on his anger and sadness, Peter could not speak and his eyes grew redder and redder with more tears that exploded from his scarred eyes. He wanted to kill Bucky for hurting the only person who has ever truly loved him and he wanted to make him suffer.

Through her tears, Natasha read the note the video came with,"If you do not give me the Lazarus then i will place parts of this girl's body at your door until you do." The Lazarus was a small aqua cube that held the power to eliminate millions of people at once and the avengers had it safely locked away for protection. Silence shouted across the room for no one could speak about the horrors they just witnessed.

Tony filled the silence,"We can't give up the Lazarus. Hydra will be able to achieve world dominance with it. We can't sacrifice millions of people's lives for just one person even if it's Davina." He felt guilty. Davina was like a daughter to him but he couldn't save her life while endangering others, no matter how dear to him she was. 

Coming to a conclusion, Natasha said, "We don't have to give it up, we just need to rescue Davina and deal with Bucky after."

Worriedly, Steve chimed in," What do you mean deal with Bucky? We can't hurt him. This isn't him, he's been manipulated."

Shockingly, Peter raised his voice," Your still defending him after what he's done? He's a murderer who is currently torturing Davina!" His shouting shocked the others as it was normally out of character for him to be rude and loud, but this was no ordinary time.

"Alright kid , calm down," Tony said, trying to get his burning anger to cool down.

"No I won't calm down! He thinks Bucky gets protection for being his friend but he doesn't. If none of you want to help me kill him then i'll do it myself." Peter stormed out the room leaving the others stunned.

While the avengers discovered a plan to save their witch, Peter went to his room where he released his anger by ferociously punching a hole through his wall.

"What did the wall do to you?" Tony jokingly asked as he walked into Peter's room.

Peter let out a false laugh before saying,"I'm sorry Mr Stark about earlier, I just got so angry. It's all my fault I should have been there to protect her."

"No no it's not your fault, me and Steve should have planned it better."

"I just feel so helpless. I should be with her, keeping her safe."

"You're not helpless because you're gonna save her."

"You have a plan?" His spirits lightened. 

 "We have tracked Davina's whereabouts to an underground base and we are going to storm it tomorrow. We are going to attack while you are gonna sneak in and rescue Davina from under Bucky's nose. Remember this is our only shot and if we mess up then Davina will be moved and lost forever."

"I won't fail her Mr Stark, not again." 

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