Chapter 7

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Harry and Ron were shocked. This was the last thing they had expected happening on the train ride but it was. Harry's eyes were bulging out of his head and Ron had escaped a breath that he didn't know he was holding. They were sitting in a stunned silence for a couple of minutes before Hermione broke the awkwardness, "Well Harry you can answer first then Ron. So why did you leave?"

Harry stuttered racking his brain for an answer that wouldn't upset his former best friend anymore than he already had, " Okay well I left because I couldn't handle the pressure of being the chosen one any longer. It was so hard to have everyone look up to you even though you were the reason so many people died and I couldn't face people everyday knowing that they were praising me when I didn't deserve it. I wanted to start fresh. I can't say I regret leaving but I with 100% of my being regret the way I handled it. I should've talked to you and Ginny about it and properly said goodbyes and who knows maybe you two could've even come with but I was scared. I was scared because I saw how well you were recovering after all the time it took for you to heal from the war and I didn't want to put my emotional baggage on your shoulders so I left without a goodbye and I have regretted it every day since. I never contacted you because I was afraid that you would hate me even more and I couldn't face the fact in real life. I knew in my mind that you most likely hated me but I just didn't want to believe it. You have been my best friend through everything and you were the closest thing I had to family and you still are in my mind even if I'm not in yours. I decided to finally come back because I am tired of hiding from what I want and I am tired of missing you. I want to be family again Hermione thats all I've ever wanted and I know things won't go back to how it was right away but I'm with time I can regain your trust and you can learn to love me again like I've kept loving you."

Hermione had tears in her eyes listening to her best friends confession she never realized that Harry was struggling with the fame and the grief of the war. She felt selfish for not noticing his feelings. Hermione took a deep breath and responded, "I could never hate you Harry. You were the first person to care about me in this world and I will always love you for that. You accepted me when no one else would and we have been through so so much together. It will take a bit of time for you to regain my trust but there is no doubt in my mind with time and effort you will and even if you don't just always know that you will always always be my best friend and my brother no matter what happens and I'll always love you."

Draco saw his queen start to break down so he gave her shoulder a reassuring squeeze and grabbed hold of her hand so she could squeeze it tight and she did just that. Hermione stood up and Harry approached her both having tears running down there cheeks as they embraced in a bone crushing hug. "I'm so so sorry Mione" cried Harry as he clung on tight to Hermione's shoulder.

"Its okay Harry don't worry" shushed Hermione. The two seperated and wiped there tears. Harry went and sat back next to Ron and Hermione next to Draco. Hermione then turned to Ron, "Ron it's your turn." Hermione knew that she was less willing to forgive Ron due to what he had said about her son and husband but she wasn't going to let him know that at least not yet.

Ron looked up from his feet and glared at Hermione and Draco, " I have nothing to say to you. You married the man who made our childhood an actual fucking hell. You had his death eater off springs and you had the audacity to side with them last night at dinner. Does your husband know that you used to scream in the middle of the night waking up sobbing because of what his demoneted family did to you, what HE did to you. Does he know that you used to cry for hours in the common room and dorms after he would call you names in the hall way. Who was there to comfort you and make sure you were okay after he ruined your life. I was. So what I left and didn't say goodbye but you did worse. You married a piece of scum that has only ruined your life. Everyone around him has bad things happen to them and it isn't just a coincedence. He is a no good, worthless, murderer, that belongs in Azkaban. He isn't worthy of your love but I am. So Hermione take me back I know you still love me and I still love you just leave him and the little mutts and we can start our own life together."

Harry stood shocked, he had never seen Ron act this way and frankly Draco didn't deserve it. Harry saw how happy he made Hermione and that is all she ever deserved. He also seemed like a great father I mean he hasn't seen Draco without the youngest kid somewhere on Draco's lap. Harry snapped, "Ronald that was not neccessary. Hermione is willing to forgive us despite us up and leaving and you have the nerve to insult her, her husband, and her children. What is wrong with you!"

Hermione saw red. She had never been more angry in her whole entire life. Ron had the recklessness to suggest that her husband with nothing and so were her children and then come out and say abandon all of your family and come marry me instead. She was fuming but mostly she was worried about Draco. She knew Draco had a hard time accepting the fact that she did indeed love him and he struggled with forgiving himself of his past actions. Ron didn't know the half of what Draco had to endure and frankly some parts were even worse than the three of theirs time in the war. She turned to look at her husband and her heart broke for him. 

Draco was subconciouscly rubbing his left forearm were the dark mark was branded in his skin permanently. His eyes were glossed over with tears as he tried to steady his breathing. Draco slowly stood up and readjusted his grip on the sleep toddler in his arm and croaked, "I'll leave you guys to talk" and then he walked out of the compartment.

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