Quirk Appointments Ch. 1

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Our story begins with two childhood best friends with very similar quirk appointment

Doctor's POV

"I'm sorry Mrs. Midoriya but as of now your son is quirkless" the doctor stated. "What?" Inko asked- "Your son doesn't have a quirk, however, there is a chance that he could develop one"- "Really?" asked the crying Izuku. "Yes as you can see from this chart he has a quirk however we don't know what it is"- "Well do you know what kind of quirk he will have?" asked a concerned Inko. "Yes, my best guess is that it is a blood-based quirk meaning he will probably have blood cravings whether human or animal"- "Can I Still Be a hEro wIth a qUiRk liKe tHat?" ask a still crying Izuku. "Of course you can," stated the doctor. "Really?!?!"- "Yes, of course."

Inko's POV

I was just told that my son has a blood-based quirk, I have to admit in kind or worried that the quirk will be but I will always love my son no matter what. She thought with a concerned look on her face. "Doctor, I have a question"- "Of course, Ma'am, anything," the doctor said. "When my son inevitably gets these cravings how do I help him?"- "Ah well, you can buy blood from a blood bank"- "Great thanks doctor," said Inko. "However" stated the doctor "What?" asked a concerned Inko- "I wouldn't feed him animal blood because that could cause untold side effects, with that said I would start feeding him blood at every meal starting next week"- "Why?" asked me. "Because it will help with his cravings, however, his cravings will never go away and he will need blood every day anyway" stated the doctor. "Okay thank you very much doctor and I will as you said, have a nice day," I told him and we left.

No ones POV

Out in the waiting room, an excited Izuku walks out and he wishes his best friend, Toga, good luck in that she'll be born with a quirk. "Izuku, what quirk do you have?" asked Toga "I'm not telling you Himiko you'll have to wait and find out" Izuku says. An excited Toga after hearing that Izuku's appointment went well, was extremely excited about her own appointment and finding out her quirk and her mother was excited with her. However, her father has a different story, because he noticed the change of her facial feature. She now looks like a cat, she has fangs and slitted eyes.

Doctor's POV

Time for the next and final quirk appointment for the day, the Toga family. The father told me over the phone that he was afraid of the quirk that his daughter has developed because she has grown fangs as well as her eyes are now slitted like a cat. I'm assuming he is afraid that his daughter has a "villainous" quirk, which to be honest there is no such thing as a villainous quirk, anyone can be a hero no matter the quirk. So, I'm kind of afraid of my parents' reaction to the quirk because I'm already assuming her quirk has something to do with blood because of the features she has developed. Kind of like Himiko, I think that Izuku from the last appointment he'll probably develop similar features soon. Let's get this over with. The doctor though after having a full blown conversation himself. Himiko and Mr. and Mrs. Toga you may come in for the quirk appointment. I can tell I was right just from the brief moments in the beginning I saw them. The father is worried, as well as she probably has a blood quirk since she isn't a neko, I must admit though she is adorable, He thought.

Hello Himiko and Mr

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Hello Himiko and Mr. and Mrs. Toga let's go and get those x-rays. "I'm so excited to see what my quirk is, especially after Izuku's appointment," Himiko said. "Are you friends with little Izuku?" I asked her. "Yup! I go to school with him!" Himiko said. "Well let's go get some good news then" - "OKAY!" The doctor is currently looking at Himiko's x-ray finding out how to break the news to Mr. and Mrs. Toga that their daughter quirk is "villainous." I already know how this is going to go down, the mom is going to freak out freaking out their daughter, while the father is going to have a silent break down. Then adorable miss Himiko is going to ask if she can become a hero. Well let's go then. How right the doctor was, as he went out to tell them the news it went down exactly as he expected the mom freaked out and made Miss Himiko freak out, then he could tell by just looking at the dad that he was freaking out, then the question can. "Can I still be a hero with a quirk like that," miss Himiko asked. "Of course you can, anyone can be a hero"- "Really?"- "Yes" I told her. "You guys are free to leave," the doctor said. The doctor pulled Miss Himiko to him and whispered to her "You said you go to school with Izuku," he asked. She nodded- The doctor said still whispering, "You will probably have blood craving due to your quirk hide this from your parents," he said. Then still whispering "If you have cravings, ask Izuku for some blood since he'll have cravings"- "okay?" said the doctor. "Okay!"- "Have a nice day you guys!"

Word count 921

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